Sermon Collections
  • Prodigals | Jesus Only Saves Sinners

    Shared on: Jul 23, 2018

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    Whether by utter outward rebellion or through vain attempts at self-righteousness, we have all run from God in our sin. When we reflect on our own lives, we can easily see the waywardness of both the younger and the older brother in the depths of our hearts. Yet, God has not given up on us. God did not leave us to ourselves. Rather than inflicting the judgment we deserve, he sent his Son to die in our place. Words will forever fall short to speak of the immeasurable riches of God's grace in the gospel. The Father waits for every prodigal to repent and come home, not so that he may condemn them, but that he may celebrate their return. For we are dead in our sins, but when we turn to Christ by faith we are brought to life forevermore. May this collection of resources powerfully remind you of the depths of God's forgiveness and embolden you to proclaim the message of his saving grace to every prodigal in the hope that they will finally come home.

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