Sermon Illustrations

Motherhood and Compassion.

A few days ago, I made a marvelous discovery. In the Hebrew language of the Old Testament the word for “compassion” comes from the root word, “womb.” The picture is of a birthing. It is also the picture of a faithful mother giving all she's got to bring a little life into the world.

But the point is that something new is being born. If I apply this in a human experience, it means that my compassionate acts always give the other person another chance in life. I do not hold past failures against them. I offer a “fresh start.” I want this for myself from others. Am I willing to give it to the other person? Such compassion will dramatically change the way we relate to each other. And it is the very heart that God puts into mothers.

- Brooks Ramsey, Pastoral Counseling and Consulting Center, Memphis TN.

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