Sermon Series
  • 1. Hope: The Chosen, Rock

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Self Help gurus? Forget about it. You can’t make it happen, only God can and more than that you are chosen, elected by the foreknowledge of God - Amen brother!

    There is a story of a sailor who was shipwrecked on a South Sea island. He was seized by the natives, carried shoulder-high to a magnificent throne, and proclaimed king. At first, he enjoyed his reign as the absolute monarch but then he began to wonder what happened to the previous more

  • 2. Hope. It Is Not Over Until....

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Hope. Not that sappy Oprah kind, but the biblical kind. The kind that says: In spite of the circumstances that surround you, God will hold hope for you, And beyond any explanation possible there will be joy.

    This is a wonderful passage. There is so much that is packed in to these few words. I don’t know about you, but the first thing that jumps out at me is verse 8 – Place your finger there – and let’s look at it again…I see Peter, as he is writing this statement, saying it with….shock and awe. 8 more

  • 3. Holiness: The Hollow Inheritance

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    The God who we find in the Bible, is the God of real life, not the God of our imagined Disneyfied Happy Ending Life. Nasty, bad things happen in life. Being holy is not looking good, its dealing with life God’s way.

    What you believe will determine how you behave and your behavior reveals your true beliefs. We who have been involved in the church for many years read this Scripture about holiness and we say to ourselves…I know all about that holiness stuff, we say…Holiness is literally God separating us from more

  • 4. Spiritual House: Peter And The Stones

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We don’t rid ourselves of vices to build a spiritual house, God has cast aside that old life, that’s old news. You are being built into a holy place, not as a guest, but as a worshiper.

    Os Guinness tells a story of an experience in a Pyrenean village. A farmer had tied an enormous load of wood onto the back of a donkey. However hard the farmer whipped the animal, it could only stumble along, getting progressively slower and slower, until it sank down in exhaustion under the more

  • 5. Submission: The Dilemma Of Submission

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2007
    based on 58 ratings

    Submission - Not a popular subject in America. Perhaps we misunderstand Biblical Submission.Whatever is our life circumstances, we can still act in a way that treats others well.

    Note To Reader: This is the first sermon on the subject of submission. A companion sermon is found under the name - Submission: The Power of a Tender Heart Submission – its not a popular subject here in America. Can you think of a popular song or a movie or even a recent best selling book on the more

  • 6. Submission: The Power Of A Tender Heart

    Contributed on Feb 10, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    Don’t let American society fool you. Godly submission is a very, very powerful thing. If you are able to apply this concept to your life. You will be able to live well, whatever your life’s circumstance.

    Note to Reader: This is the second part of the topic of submission. For the first part, see the sermon - Submission: The Dilemma Of Submission. As we move into chapter 3 this morning we find the Apostle Peter continuing his thoughts on living a Godly life in the midst of difficult more

  • 7. Suffering Reduces Sin

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    The Apostle Peter shows us that when we work through suffering in a godly way, those habits and sins we cannot rid ourselves of, start to fade away.

    What is the thing that Americans fear the most? It is not taxes, or speaking in public, or even death…no. What Americans fear the most is – suffering. It can all be summed up when a loved one dies and death comes quickly to them. What do we say? At least they didn’t suffer….. Americans fear more