Sermon Series
  • 1. A Jealous God

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God is “jealous” in the sense that He expects complete, exclusive devotion; not merely a partial, lukewarm, half-hearted religious observance. Worship belongs to God. He is worthy of worship and has a right to be “jealous” of it.

    The Bible clearly teaches that God is a jealous God. That doesn’t sit well with us; the very notion of the jealousy of God sounds offensive. We think of jealousy as an entirely negative quality--a sin. Yet God declares that He is jealous. God restricts allegiance to Himself alone: more

  • 2. God Unsearchable

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2015

    There is much more to God--who He is and what He is doing--than we can ever hope to grasp. God is His own category. God knows all about us…we can never know all there is to know of God.

    Now that we’ve finished examining God’s attributes, we need to recognize that what we know about God still isn’t enough. There is much more to God--who He is and what He is doing--than we can ever hope to grasp. God is His own category. God knows all about us…we can never more

  • 3. God All-Knowing

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2015

    God’s understanding is limitless; nothing escapes Him. He knows the end from the beginning--the past, present, and future. And He knows us better than we know ourselves.

    I once lived a few blocks from NSA, the National Security Agency, a place that tirelessly monitors, compiles and analyses information. I hope they’re reading the sermons I send out by email! We all know that knowledge is power. Presidents rely on trusted advisers to learn what’s more

  • 4. Almighty God

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    It is not God's nature to be limited or weak. In removing all limitations of power, we arrive at the omnipotence of God, and we have access to that power to live effectively in an unholy world.

    In Handel’s Messiah, the famous “Hallelujah Chorus” quotes the Book of Revelation, proclaiming: “For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!” (19:6). Omnipotence means “able to do all.” God is all-powerful; He is unlimited. He can do all that He wills to do. more

  • 5. Holy, Holy, Holy

    Contributed on Jan 11, 2015

    God is separate from all that is sinful; He is the perfect measure of goodness. He is holiness itself--the source and standard of moral absolutes. Do we have a sense of God's holiness?

    Everything begins with God. He is at the center of our faith. Yet we don’t get out of bed each morning and mindlessly repeat “I believe” three times. We need to ask ourselves: “In whom do I believe?” We were made to know God. Do we? I’m not talking about more

  • 6. God Is Love

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2015

    Knowing God loves us changes everything. We are secure in His love and able to love others. God's love is infinite, individual, initiative, and involved. The Cross is the proof of God's love.

    Esteemed theologian Karl Barth was asked by a student at the University of Chicago, “What is the essence of the biblical message?” Everyone breathlessly awaited a profound, scholarly answer. Barth replied: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” The love more

  • 7. God's Justice And Ours

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2015

    If life is to be meaningful there must be a God who ensures justice. God is not indifferent to evil, yet His wrath was satisfied in the death of His Son. Sin must be punished--and it was--on the Cross.

    Thomas Jefferson, in a somber moment, noted: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.” How long will God put up with a people who have turned from Him and have forsaken righteousness? We may question why God punishes sin, but we also need to also ask why He more

  • 8. Tender Mercies

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2015

    Our merciful God has pity on His children, who are in much distress, often of our own making. Mercy is a disposition to pardon the guilty. God gives what is undeserved, and doesn’t give what is.

    At the end of the Civil War when the Confederate Army was finally defeated, Abraham Lincoln was asked how he would treat the rebellious South. The question hinted at the desire for severe punishment. But the merciful President said, “I will treat them as if they had never been away.” more

  • 9. The Sovereignty Of God

    Contributed on Mar 8, 2015

    God’s the infinite Ruler of all; He is “running the show.” Nothing can prevent His predetermined plan. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Those who see God’s hand in everything can best leave everything in God’s hand.

    It’s been said, “How do you make God laugh? Tell Him your plans” (G.K. Chesterton). Our plans aren’t always in line with God’s. We may try to fight God’s will, but someone pointed out, “Your arms are too short to box with God” (J. W. Johnson). The more

  • 10. The Unchanging Faithfulness Of God

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We can rely on God to do as He has said. It is His nature to be faithful. He will never let us down. We may lose our health, our job, our friends, but we will not lose God. He is an unchanging God in a changing world.

    Are you a person of your word? Not everyone is. Many people are unpredictable, undependable, impulsive, erratic, unstable. They’re hot one day, cold the next. They change their opinions and positions. Change is a constant of life…but God is a rock of stability. We can rely on Him more