Sermon Series
  • 1. Gideon - Zero To Hero

    Contributed on Jul 14, 2008
    based on 120 ratings

    Takes a look at how God wants to use ordinary people and do extraordinary things and encourages people to follow after God to be used in great ways

    From Ordinary to Extraordinary Series Introduction Slide Do you ever think that God is unable to use you? Maybe you feel that you aren’t very gifted or talented. Maybe you feel just like an ordinary person. Or maybe you feel less than ordinary and you will never be able to be used in a more

  • 2. Barnabas - Encourager Extraordinaire

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2008
    based on 35 ratings

    Looks at the Characteristics that Barnabas had and encourages us to live our lives with those characteristics so we might use your gifts in an extraordinary way.

    Barnabas – Encourager Extraordinaire Slide Last week we began a new series called from Ordinary to extraordinary. We saw how God took someone who was no leader at all and used him to lead a great victory that God orchestrated. Now God is not going to make everyone into such a leader, because more

  • 3. Jonathan - Covenant Friend

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2008
    based on 44 ratings

    Looks at Jonathan and the characteristics of true friendship and the need for that in our lives.

    Jonathan – Covenant Friend A Covenant friend is Committed (v. 18:1-4; 20:16-42) A Covenant friend is Loyal (v. 4) A Covenant friend is Accountable (v. 8) A Covenant friend is Honest (v. 9-15) A Covenant Friend is Christ Centered (many verses, Lord) Jonathon is a good example of a Covenant more

  • 4. Nehemiah - Vision To Victory

    Contributed on Aug 17, 2008
    based on 35 ratings

    Message on how God used Nehemiah and wants to use each of us to do extraordinary things for Him

    Nehemiah – From Vision to Victory Discover your Passion Dive into Prayer Recognize God for Who He is Repent of your sins Remember God’s Promises Request Specific Help Don’t let your Position Hinder you Slide We are back this week into our series From Ordinary to more

  • 5. Esther - For Such A Time As This

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2008
    based on 137 ratings

    How God can use us in extraordinary ways even in bad circumstances

    Esther - Preparing to be used “For Such a Time as This” Slide Have you ever faced a time in your life where your circumstances just seemed plain awful? Like things could not get any worse, only to get worse. Maybe you are in a marriage where it seems your spouse just doesn’t care about more

  • 6. Moses - Fearful To Faithful

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2008
    based on 109 ratings

    How can we overcome fear and be faithful in following the Lord?

    Moses – Fearful to Faithful How do we overcome the Fears we face in Following God? Focus on God’s Presence with us Focus on God’s Power through us Focus on God’s Provision for us Slide When I say the name Moses, what do you think of? Man of Faith? Great divider of the Red more

  • 7. Elijah - Defeater Of Depression

    Contributed on Sep 14, 2008
    based on 97 ratings

    Principals to help us overcome depression in our own lives

    Elijah – Defeater of Depression Slide This has been a really different week for me. I am normally not one to be depressed, but after the service last week I was feeling exhausted, like I just wanted to crawl into my bed and go to sleep. I didn’t think much about it until Monday, when I more