Sermon Series
  • 1. Run The Play

    Contributed on May 27, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Teach your teens how to effectively follow through with their commitment to Christ when facing opposition using these three steps gathered from Jehoshaphat’s confrontation.

    Opener: Air Guitar Contest Choose contestants that you know will really "ham it up" on stage. Find some music that has a lot of guitar solos. Tell the contestants each will be judged (by the audience’s applause) on how well each can play the "air guitar". Send each contestant in one at a time, more

  • 2. Tackling Fuel

    Contributed on May 27, 2008

    Can we redirect anger into something good to get us in the game? Anger is the issue. There are a lot of examples out that have to do with anger, but one in particular really captures the heart behind anger, and allows us to see the good and bad side of a

    Opener Story: Wrong Order! How do you respond when a mistake has been made with your fast-food order? If you’re 6’3” and weigh 270 pounds, people don’t recommend crawling through the drive-through window. But that’s exactly what happened when a University of Kansas football player realized a more