Sermon Series
  • 1. The Common Struggle, Part 2

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    The second struggle common to all humanity is temptation.

    James: Religion That Works “The Common Struggle, Part Two” February 19, 2006 Introduction: We started last week looking at the common struggle of trials in our lives. We talked about how the people that James is writing to were Christians who had left their homes under the threat of more

  • 2. The Righteous Life

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The Righteous Life God desires for us requires applying His Word into our lives.

    James: Religion That Works “The Righteous Life” February 26, 2006 Introduction: We have been looking at the writing of James, the brother of Jesus. He wrote to Jewish believers who had been scattered from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria because of the persecution against Christians. James has more

  • 3. The Best Way To Live

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    The best way to live is to see people the way God sees them and to love your neighbor as yourself.

    James: Religion that Works “The Best Way to Live” March 5, 2006 Introduction: All of us are looking for the best and most satisfying way to live our lives. As humans we naturally seek out what gives us the best feeling and the most satisfying experience in our lives. People search their entire more

  • 4. Idiots Guide To Faith

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    A Guide to the basic concept fo faith leading to action.

    James: Religion That Works “The Idiot’s Guide to Faith” March 12, 2006 Introduction: If you go into any bookstore today you can find a series of books called “Idiot’s Guides” that relate to any number of subjects. From ballroom dancing to pet photography to getting girls, there is an “Idiot’s more

  • 5. Raging Wildfires

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    We need to be honest with God, encouraging to others and disciplined for ourselves.

    James: Religion that Works “Raging Wildfires” James 3:1-12 March 19, 2006 Introduction: Wildfires in Texas have burned 700,000 acres. The fire has burned over 1,000 square miles. Although the exact cause of the fire is still unknown, it started somewhere with a small spark. The vast more

  • 6. Seriously

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    God calls us to take sin seriously and choose to live for his plan rather than our own.

    James: Religion That Works “Seriously” April 2, 2006 Introduction: Did you ever wonder if the people who wrote the Bible actually expected the readers of the letters to do what they said? I mean, did they really think that what they said was so important? James calls us to seriously consider more

  • 7. The Details

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The final detials of the book of Jeames teach us great lessons of the Christian life.

    James: Religion That Works “The Details” April 30, 2006 Introduction: We had been looking at the book of James for several weeks before we took a little break for all of our Easter events. Today we want to go back and “put a bow” on things if you will. I want to refresh your memory a more