Sermon Series
  • 1. Building Altars

    Contributed on Apr 3, 2001
    based on 256 ratings

    Looking at Abraham’s life we see that everywhere he went he built altars. We will look at what this ’building of altars’ represents and the various different places we must build altars.

    (1) INTRODUCTION: *True worship takes place in the context of obedience to God (Genesis 12:1-5) - not merely a feeling or a form. For Abraham it was in the process of obeying God’s prompting to go to the land of Canaan. We cannot truly worship God unless we are in the place of more

  • 2. The Isaac Test

    Contributed on May 18, 2001
    based on 86 ratings

    Abraham’s offering up of isaac is not only a beautiful foreshadowing of God’s offering up of His only Son, Jesus, but it also shows us and important principle for our own Christian walk. Have you offered up any Isaacs lately ?

    (1) INTRODUCTION: What is the ’Isaac Test’(see verse 1) "God will test our faith by asking us to sacrifice those things that are most dear to us that He has blessed us with." (we are tested as Abraham was as we are the ’seed of Abraham’ - Galatians 3:29) He is not asking us something that He more