Sermon Series
  • 1. I Have The Keys

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    For All Saints/All Souls: the Lord has the keys to the church, so we need not fear its future despite our locking up its resources; and He has the keys to our lives, so we need not lock ourselves in privacy; and He has the keys of eternal life.

    Keys. I have keys. Lots and lots of keys. Thanks to keys, we can keep safe the things we consider valuable. But we are also kept from access to those things. Keys; we all have them, we all need them, we all appreciate them, but we all resent them at times. If you don’t have the right keys, more

  • 2. Michael, Row That Boat Ashore!

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    We are engaged in spiritual warfare, not just minor disputes, and so must take on the enemy. God calls not only "Michaels", leaders, but also "ordinary angels". When we engage evil, we create the opportunity for salvation, wholeness, to be done. Victor

    Imagine that it’s Sunday afternoon. You are on the turf at FedEx field. You have been assigned to play defense for the Deadskins ... er, I mean, the Redskins. Yes, you. You have been assigned to play defense; why not? Nobody else is doing it! Spurrier says to you, “When one of them gets the more

  • 3. Why Some Cannot Sing

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    John saw the 144,000 singing around the throne and their characteristics. That tells us who "could not learn the new song" -- those with unresolved sexual issues, those with perfectionistic tendencies, those who had accepted lies about themselves.

    Alongside every group that gathers to sing, there is also someone who cannot sing. No matter how professional, no matter how disciplined, Alongside any group that gathers to sing, there is also someone who cannot sing. Have you been to a sporting event, where we are supposed to sing, “The more

  • 4. Soon Is Sooner Than It Was

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    In light of the soon coming of Christ, we need to give ourselves to things that are urgent and important; and to things that are important before they become urgent. For the Festival of Christ the King

    I like shortcuts. I like to find a road that gets me there in less time and less distance. I love shortcuts, even when they are complicated. You may have to be a trained navigator to follow my shortcuts, but I like them. Years ago, in order to take my son to sports events, I worked out the more