Sermon Series
  • 1. Grace's Foundation

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2011

    This sermon gives an introduction to the Book of Romans and clues one in to Paul's reason for writing, setting the stage for his discussion of God's grace.

    Grace’s Foundation Romans 1:1-7 The book of Romans is a monumental work. It was in the reading of the phrase “the just shall live by faith” in 1:17 that the German reformer Martin Luther’s heart was stirred against the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. He went on more

  • 2. Grace And Faith

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Our faith in God will result in us thanking God for our Christian friends and in sharing God's love with others.

    Grace And Faith Romans 1:8-9 In what do you place your faith in each day? Spouse, car, cell phone, CD player, television, internet. The faith we put in such as the above mentioned is quite different than the faith Paul speaks of. Paul’s Definition Of Faith The faith of those in the more

  • 3. Grace And God's Anger

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2011

    We enjoy focusing on God's love, but God also gets angry-sin makes Him mad.

    Grace and God’s Anger Romans 1:18-23 We love to focus on God’s love. God’s wrath or anger is also a part of his nature that must be examined. God’s gets angry over sin. Imagine a cab company employed to deliver messages to wives during the Vietnam War. When entering more

  • 4. Grace And Going Our Own Way

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    If our stubborness persists, God will let us go our own way of disobedience but not without consequence.

    Grace And Going Our Own Way Romans 1:24-32 I. When God Lets Us Have Our Own Way A. Children are famous for wanting their own way. They chafe under the rule of their parents, especially if their parents do not allow them to do the things they want to. If the rules are too stringent, rebellion more

  • 5. Grace And Sin's Judgment Part I

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2011

    While God’s judgment is on specific sins, these sins result from our sinful nature which must be changed to find acceptance by God.

    Grace and Sin’s Judgment Part I Romans 2:1-6 I. God’s Judgment On Sin A. There is a psychological defense mechanism called projection. 1. Defined, it refers to our tendency to project or attribute to others unpleasant or sinful issues we deal with. 2. For example, someone may more

  • 6. Grace And False Assurances

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2011

    Religion is about a relationship, not adhering to a set of rules and placing our confidence in them or anything else.

    Grace And False Assurances Romans 2:17-24 I. The Jews False Assurance A. Have you ever received false assurances? 1. Imagine the child who receives false assurances from the parent who does not have custody but only visitation rights. 2. Dad promises to pick them up at a certain time or take more

  • 7. Grace And Identity

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2011

    Other than our faith, there is nothing we can appeal to in an effort to merit God’s favor.

    Grace And Identity Romans 2:25-3:8 I. Paul Defines A True Jew A. Did the Jews have special privileges others did not have? Do they now? Where does the modern day Christian fall in this scheme? 1. The Jews did have special privileges. 2. God gave his Law to them; he called them as his special more

  • 8. Grace And Our Position

    Contributed on Mar 23, 2011

    Each of us stands guilty before God, but the grace of forgiveness is available to all who ask.

    Grace And Our Position Romans 3:9-22 I. The Sinfulness of All People A. Having established the sinfulness of Jews and Gentiles, Paul now uses Old Testament scripture to prove his conclusions. 1. The Gentiles were considered “uncircumcised dogs” by the Jews. 2. Many Jews thought more

  • 9. Grace And Forgiveness

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2011

    Our deadly fall into sin-with all its consequences, is counteracted by the sacrifice of Christ which brought forgiveness.

    Grace And Forgiveness Romans 3:23-25 I. God’s Forgiveness of Sin Through Christ A. The Universality of Sin (v. 23) 1. Paul’s idea about sin is made quite plain in this verse: all have sinned. 2. It is the human tendency not only to excuse our sin but also to compare and classify more

  • 10. Grace And The Cross

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The cross is the divine vindication of the righteousness of God and demonstrates his willingness to go to the uttermost limit to secure our forgiveness.

    Grace And The Cross Romans 3:25-31 I. God’s Fairness in Punishment (vv. 25-26) A. Is it right for God to punish sinners? Questions to consider. 1. According to the Bible, the punishment of hell is eternal. Is it just to require someone to burn forever for sins committed within only a more

  • 11. Grace And Rituals

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2011

    While our rituals and ceremonies testify of our faith, they are not the source of our faith.

    Grace And Rituals Romans 4:1-11 I. Abraham’s Faith (vv. 1-3) A. Paul’s continual discussion that salvation is by neither works nor heritage or through the Law. 1. It may appear Paul belabors this point, but establishing a proper foundation for how salvation is attained is just as more

  • 12. Grace And Heritage

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2011

    God’s grace is not earned but is a free gift given to those who ask, and more importantly, it is the only way we can come to Christ.

    Grace And Heritage Romans 4:11-16 I. Our Spiritual Heritage (v. 11) A. Family heritage is important. 1. I have heard many from the older generation tell of how they no longer have family reunions or of how many from the younger generation no longer attend the reunions. 2. We no longer have more

  • 13. Grace And New Relationships

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2011

    God does not wait until we get "good" to intervene in our sinful situation.

    Romans 5:6-11 Introduction: A. New relationships can elicit a variety of emotional responses. B. Fear, excitement, uncertainty, dread, and depression can all result from new relationships. C. For example: a young person who has attended the same school from kindergarten through middle school more

  • 14. Grace And Sin's Thoroughness

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We all have a sinful nature that must be altered by God if our relationship with Him is going to be healed.

    Grace And Sin’s Thoroughness Romans 5:12 Introduction: A. The section of Scripture that begins with this verse contrasts the effects of Adam’s sin with the results of Christ’s sacrifice. B. Paul will use the occasion of sin’s entrance into humanity by Adam and more

  • 15. Grace, Adam And Christ

    Contributed on Apr 20, 2011

    Adam and Eve's choice to disobey God has influenced all their descendants.

    Introduction: A. Do you ever think about how your sinful actions or attitudes affect others? B. Actions always have consequences and sinful actions do as well. I. Sin and the Law (13-14) A. Consider the question: Is it possible to break a law even when there is no law against what you have more

  • 16. Grace And Sin's Senselessness

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    As believers, we have died and been buried with Christ; therefore, sin no longer has power over us.

    Romans 6:1-10 Introduction: A. Even though you are a believer, have you ever struggled with a particular sin? B. Are there areas of sin that you feel powerless over? C. These verses address how sin’s power is broken for the believer, for the one who lives in us is greater than the more

  • 17. Grace And Sin's Control

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    While the consequences of sin are eternal, God gives us the wonderful privilege to escape them through faith in Christ.

    Romans 6:11-23 Introduction: A. Have you ever felt as if you were losing the battle over sin in general or to a particular sin? B. Or do you feel encouraged when you read God’s Word and see that many of the great saints of old waged the same war? I. The Christian’s Opinion Of more

  • 18. Grace And The Law

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2011

    God sent Christ to fulfill the law, and he now allows us to satisfy it through our identification with him.

    Romans 7:1-13 Introduction: A. Do you ever wish they had consulted you before making a particular law? B. For example, the area you are driving through is posted 45 mph because it is a residential zone, but there are only three houses throughout the entire area? C. Michelle and I sometimes more

  • 19. Grace And Our Struggle

    Contributed on May 3, 2011

    The Christian life is a constant struggle to make the right choices.

    Romans 7:14-25 Introduction: A. Do you ever struggle with the doing the right thing or making the right decision? B. Do you ever feel as if you are losing the battle in obedience to God? C. Do you ever feel guilty because you are still waging this war even though you have been a Christian for more

  • 20. Grace And Spirit Life

    Contributed on May 4, 2011

    Our freedom in Christ does not remove our struggle for freedom to live above sinful practices or to avoid giving in to temptations.

    Romans 8:1-8 Introduction: A. History affords many lessons of America’s struggle to maintain her freedom. Thousands of lives have been lost in this battle. B. While we have freedom in Christ-and are therefore no longer under condemnation, we often struggle with feelings of defeat, more

  • 21. Grace And Victorious Living

    Contributed on May 9, 2011

    We cannot live a successful Christian life without the presence of and dependence on God’s Spirit.

    Romans 8:9-17 Introduction: A. When we talk about the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, we enter an area uncomfortable for some Christians. B. Charismatic groups give great emphasis to the work of the Spirit while mainline Protestant groups avoid over emphasis for fear it will lead them into worship more

  • 22. Grace And Future Glory

    Contributed on May 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God takes everything in our life-good and evil, and works it together for good in his purpose for our life.

    Romans 8:18-30 Introduction: A. There is a longing in humans that leads them to want something better and to believe there is more to life than experienced on earth. B. While we don’t necessarily want to die to attain the better experience, believers maintain taking this step is the only more

  • 23. Grace And God's Inextinguishable Love

    Contributed on May 11, 2011

    We are eternally and presently safe in God’s care-nothing can separate us from his love.

    Romans 8:31-39 Introduction: A. Love is often misunderstood and incorrectly defined. 1. Two preteens experiencing their first episode of puppy love will tell each other they love one another when they truly have no good understanding of what love means or entails. 2. Two adults in an illicit more

  • 24. Grace And Passion For The Lost

    Contributed on May 16, 2011

    We need a passion to share our faith with those who don’t know God as well as the wisdom to know how.

    Romans 9:1-13; 30-33 Introduction: A. This begins a two chapter section in which Paul deals with the nation of Israel: what God has done in their past as well as what part-if any, they still occupy in the future plan of God. B. Some eschatological interpretations have all the Jews-or at least more

  • 25. Grace And Praying For The Lost

    Contributed on May 20, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Believers have a responsibility to pray for and work toward sharing God’s love with unbelievers.

    Romans 10:1-13 Introduction: A. Consider your prayer life? Do you ever spend time praying for those who don’t know Christ? B. This may include work acquaintances, friends, family members and even spouses and children. C. And if salvation is all of God, what good does it do for us to more

  • 26. Grace And Going To The Lost

    Contributed on May 23, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Not all will accept the gospel, but we must continue to go with the assurance of God’s presence and power and the knowledge that those who respond will be accepted.

    Romans 10:13-21 Introduction: A. What exactly is our responsibility to the lost? B. Should we have the attitude of “I’ve got mine. You worry about yours?” C. Do we ever think about how our life might be different had someone not told us about God’s love and provision more

  • 27. Grace And God's View Of The Church

    Contributed on May 27, 2011

    God’s message of love is for all people regardless of race, culture or physical descent.

    Romans 11:1-24 Introduction: A. What, if any, place does Israel have in God’s world plan? B. This question is answered in various ways by Christians. 1. One’s millennial view (end time understanding) often determines the answer. 2. Those considered premillenialists believe God more