Summary: This is the 197th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 5th sermon from Philippians.

Series: Action [#197]


Philippians 2:19-30


Who is your best friend? Most of us talk about our friends as people we have a casual, long-term relationship with. Maybe it is a co-worker, a neighbor, or people from your past. Friends, or so we think, are people who come together for times of food, fun, and fellowship. However, most of these people are more acquaintances than true friends.

It has been said that you ae doing very good if you have 5 real friends in your lifetime; and I agree. Paul had a special love for the Christians at Philippi. He prayed for them, thought about them, and desperately wanted to see them face-to-face. Paul had more than a casual relationship with the believers in Philippi- He had invested in them, not for his own benefit, but because of the love of Christ that controlled him. Be reminded that Paul was in prison and could not go see them; so, he hoped to send Timothy to them.

Philippians 2:19-30

What does it take to be a good friend to someone?

A real friend is…

1. Trustworthy.

Paul knew that Timothy was concerned about the welfare of the believers in Philippi; and that Timothy could be trusted. He had no reason to doubt the heart of this friend. He was trustworthy because he cared for the interests of Christ Jesus.

One of the greatest needs in our own personal lives is the fellowship of people we can really trust. Paul had in Timothy a young man who would come alongside him, listen to him, encourage him, and love him no matter the cost. Most people are looking for someone with whom they can be open and honest without fear of judgment. While it is true that sometimes our friends will disagree with us and even correct us, we should not fear them, because they are trustworthy.

A real friend is…

2. Available.

One of the primary reasons for our lack of true friends is that sometimes friendship means being available at inconvenient times. I am sure that Timothy had things of his own to do. He had been instructed by Paul before to be busy preaching, teaching, training and overseeing the work of the ministry in various places. Timothy’s plate was full; but he was available to be a friend to Paul in his hour of need.

Most of you live a very busy life- You are working like crazy, or on your phone talking, texting, or checking social media. With our technology, you can talk to people all over the World anytime you want to. Being available is key to friendships.

A real friend is…

3. Genuine.

Paul reminds us that Timothy was genuine. So many people, posing as friends, are in fact illegitimate. They are looking for something in return. They are asking, “What can I get out of this relationship?” Now while it is true that most genuine friendships are reciprocal, that is not the motivation.

Paul commends Timothy to the Church at Philippi as a genuine, legitimate friend who is only concerned about the welfare of the believers there. It is awesome when friendship is a two-way street, but for our part, we must be willing for it to be one-way sometimes. Our motivation must never be “what it does for me” rather “what it does for you.”


Paul also talks about Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus worked for the Lord regardless of the cost, even if the cost was his life. He too is a good example of friendship.