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  • God Is Nigh  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 24, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    GOD IS NIGH I served as an airborne Ranger platoon leader (paratrooper) in the First Air Cavalry Division during the Vietnam War. Our company was hacked up pretty badly by the enemy during one mission. When our platoon’s survivors returned to base camp, we all trudged down the muddy more

  • Our Dependence On God  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 24, 2002
    based on 12 ratings

    OUR DEPENDENCE ON GOD “It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God; to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime more

  • A. Here Are A Series Of Quotes From The Founding ...  PRO

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    a. Here are a series of quotes from the Founding Fathers warning us not to forsake the Bible and its teachings these quotes are form the same website above and from lectures by Peter Marshall on Restoring America: “The very men who WROTE the Constitution admit that this nation and its Judicial more

  • Forgiveness Is Freedom

    Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Dec 31, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Forgiveness is Freedom Forgiveness is surrendering my right to hurt you for hurting me. Forgiveness does not pretend there was no offense; it does not dismiss wrongdoing. It does not say, "Oh, that's all right; forget it." True forgiveness is realistic. Lewis Smedes gave a great definition: more

  • No True Freedom Without God  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 24, 2009
    based on 12 ratings

    NO TRUE FREEDOM WITHOUT GOD According to Mark Parsec, Independence Day "celebrates America’s Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of England under King George." The Declaration of Independence of 1776, he says, was not intended to declare war with England, nor did it actually establish more

  • Washington And Madison On God's Law  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    WASHINGTON AND MADISON ON GOD'S LAW James Madison, the primary author of the Constitution of the United States, said this: ’"We have staked the whole future of our new nation NOT upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the more

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