Sermon Series
  • 1. Considered Alien-1

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2014

    1 of 2. Peter addressed his circular letter to those who were considered as aliens in the world. But why are these considered as alien? Christians are considered alien by...

    CONSIDERED ALIEN-I—1Peter 1:1-2 ALIEN ENOUGH? Attention: In 1947, someone found some unidentifiable ‘wreckage’ debris in Roswell, NM. The wreckage was transported to a military installation near the southwestern border of Nevada currently known as Area 51. The military locked more

  • 2. Considered Alien-2

    Contributed on Oct 8, 2015

    2 of 2. Peter addressed his circular letter to those who were considered as aliens in the world. But why are these considered as alien? Christians are considered alien by...

    CONSIDERED ALIEN-II—1Peter 1:1-2 ALIEN ENOUGH? Attention: Remedy? We must consider the way Christians appear to a lost world—To many we are strange, weird, alien & thereby, a little fruity. There was a song some years back by DC Talk entitled ‘Jesus more