Sermon Series
  • 1. Noah To The Rescue

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that we continually had evil intentions. It that your perception of us humans?

    Before we get into the main text of our message today I want to just spend a little time in Genesis five and pull out some important highlights. I would like you to notice that as this lineage is listed, everyone died after a life of around 8 or 9 hundred years, except for one man, Enoch. The more

  • 2. Build An Ark

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    When we follow the Lord, he gives us the most detailed instructions and provisions to accomplish the task.

    George Mueller was a man of faith. He was a prayer warrior who financially supported missionary operations, especially orphanages in 26 different countries. Near the end of his life he admitted to reading the entire Bible about 200 times; 100 times on his knees. Apparently if you went to his more

  • 3. A New Beginning

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Did God need a mulligan? No but he is generous in giving them.

    Today we’re looking at what us golfers and those on Planet Shamrock might call God’s mulligan or do over. Of course he doesn’t need a mulligan, but when we look at how He created, then destroyed, then created again, it sure does look like even he thought He made a mistake. And where was he during more

  • 4. Lest We Forget

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Sin. Does the word make you squirm in your seat a little? What is the first thought that goes through your mind when I stand up here and start talking about it?

    Sin. Does the word make you squirm in your seat a little? What is the first thought that goes through your mind when I stand up here and start talking about it? “Oh no, here comes a fire and brimstone sermon.” Is anyone offended if I stand up here and call you all a bunch of sinners? Of course I more

  • 5. All Nations Under God

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    God planned that all nations would be under God. We are all brothers and sisters and need to start acting like it.

    Who really founded North America? Did you know that every country in the world was ultimately founded by a descendant of Noah? Every person who ever lived since the flood ultimately comes from the Ark. Europeans, which we all are if we have white skin, came from the line of Japheth and it was the more

  • 6. A Stairway To Heaven

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The Tower of Babel reflects a desire that we still have today, to be independent of God and focus on human achievement.

    When I was a teenager one of the most popular songs out there was a classic by that wonderful, very non-Christian rock band Led Zepplin, it was called “Stairway to Heaven”. There have been few songs in history that have been listened to under the fog of marajuana more than this one. Fortunately more

  • 7. Get Up And Go

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    When God said Go, Abram didn’t whine or argue, he just went.

    George Bernard Shaw once quipped, “If other planets are inhabited, then they must be using the earth for their insane asylum”. Funny but if we look at the world, it doesn’t seem so far fetched does it? I’m sure that’s what it must have looked like after God confused everyone at Babel. After the more

  • 8. Different Motives

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Abram learns from mistakes and his motives change allowing God to make the decisions for him.

    Years ago I was working two jobs trying to get into professional golf. One of those was a courier job where you had to use your own vehicle. I had a very reliable Honda civic hatchback, great for driving in the city, a fair bit of space in the back with the seat folded down. It was the best car I more

  • 9. Honor To The King

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Who is Melchizedek? How did Abraham honor him? Are we going to honor our King Jesus this Christmas?

    Why should we follow God? Today we’re going to see the freedom that comes from following God, and the imprisonment of following the world and its ways. Our message today is about real faith, not the kind we say in a prayer when we decide that church isn’t so bad and I think I can be a more

  • 10. Let’s Make A Deal

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    God can be negotiated with and he will answer prayer, but it is always in His will. Abraham boldly makes a deal with God.

    How many of you remember the game show that used to be on TV called “Let’s make a deal”? I believe it was Monty Hall who would tempt people with what was behind different doors, or he would show them a wad of cash and say you can have the cash or choose what’s behind door more

  • 11. Yes Dear!

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Abraham sinned the same way Adam did by not taking leadership and a stand against his wife's sinful idea.

    Have you ever watched those movies, usually war movies when a young couple falls deeply in love and wants to be married, but off the guy goes to war promising to come back to her, and she promises to faithfully wait for him no matter what? Then she hears that he’s missing or killed and more

  • 12. Sodom & Gomorrah Pt. 1: A Byword For Depravity

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2010

    Our society is still as depraved as Sodom and Gomorrah was. Does God still judge with disasters in an effort to wake us up?

    Read Matthew 24:3-8. The birth pains have begun my friends. Lloyd gave me these rocks that are from Haiti and as I watched CNN this week, I saw hundreds and thousands of people lying dead and alive underneath much larger pieces of rock from collapsed buildings. Bodies scattered on the sidewalks more

  • 13. Sodom & Gomorrah Pt. 2 “a Tale Of Calamity”

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    How does God choose who He gives mercy to? God saves and God judges, and their is consequence for sin even if we are saved.

    How does God choose who he shows mercy to? Watching the events in Haiti over the last couple of weeks, you hear of many survivors who have had limbs amputated, others who died quickly and painlessly, still others who slowly and painfully passed away, and then a fellow was pulled out two weeks after more

  • 14. Desperate Daughters

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Lot's daughters get desperate and choose the wrong way to get a valentine.

    "Valentinus was the name of a young man who lived in Rome during reign of Claudius II when Christians were being persecuted. Although he was not a Christian, he helped them, but he was caught and put into prison. In prison he became a believer in Jesus. Because of this, Valentinus was condemned to more

  • 15. Outrageous Grace

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God shows outrageous grace to sinners who continually mess up. His blessings are so undeserved.

    At first glance Chapter 20 of Genesis seems about as useful as a snowmobile in the jungle. It’s pretty much an instant replay of what happened in Egypt in chapter 12. But this relatively short chapter is put here for a reason. Abraham and Sarah are going to have to deal with this repetitive more

  • 16. A Time To Weep, A Time To Laugh

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Abraham, Sarah, Ishael, and Hagar represent faith and promise, spirit versus flesh, and grace versus Law. Abraham shows faith by letting his son Ishmael go forever.

    Some of you have had the pleasure and/or pain of participating in a step-family. On rare occasions this works out really well and goes smoothly, but most of the time it’s very hard and all the parents and children involved, have major adjustments to make both lifestyle wise and more

  • 17. The Always God

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God is always what we need when we need Him. He always restores and he always provides.

    Restoring a relationship can be a very difficult thing. Whether it be a completely severed relationship, restoring a marriage after infidelity or an affair with pornography, or even just after a regular argument. If you can boil it down to three things that need to happen to restore a more

  • 18. Outrageous Faith

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Abraham shows outrageous faith in response to God's unreasonable request that he sacrifice his promised son Isaac. Clearly faith is shown through our obedience.

    Let me share a story from Chuck Swindoll. “Four guys decided to go mountain climbing one weekend. In the middle of the climb, one fella slipped over a cliff, dropped about 60 feet and landed with a thud on the ledge below. The other three hoping to rescue him yelled, ‘Joe, are you more

  • 19. A Wife For Isaac Pt. 1

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Let’s take a look at the right way to surrender important life choices to God and to be as certain as possible that we are in God’s will.

    Well, folks today we’re going to talk about how Abraham let God choose a spouse for his son Isaac, but this young man’s idea was probably not quite what God had in mind. Let’s take a look at the right way to surrender important life choices to God and to be as certain as possible more

  • 20. A Wife For Isaac Pt. 2

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2010

    This story is a story, not about a faithful servant, a willing bride, or a happy marriage. It’s a story about God’s providence. Whether we admit it or not, God is in charge of all that happens in this universe.

    This story is a story, not about a faithful servant, a willing bride, or a happy marriage. It’s a story about God’s providence. Whether we admit it or not, God is in charge of all that happens in this universe. While it’s true that we have free will and can make choices, God more