Sermon Series
  • 1. Courage To Leave, Forgive And Love

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    What do we do when it is time to leave a place we have grown comfortable in? Leaving any place that we have had relationships, children, or grown to love is very difficult.

    Courage to Leave, Forgive and Love Genesis 31:1-55 A. The Separation B. The Reunion and Reconcilliation Have you ever had to leave a place of comfort and immense joy for you? A place where maybe you have had your children, lost loved ones, met your spouse? A place that you have worked, more

  • 2. God's Protection And Answered Prayer

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    We continue to study Jacob’s walk as he returns to his homeland. God’s host meets Jacob just as he finds out some unsettling news. Esau is coming towards him with 400 men. Let us see the steps Jacob takes to prepare for this and in the process becomes

    God’s Protection and Answered Prayer DBF 1/20/02 Genesis 32 Protection of God in our time of need Purposeful Prayer in our lives Purposefully striving for God’s Perfect will Have you ever found yourself in a situation that is beyond you, without any true means within yourself of more

  • 3. Returning To Our Proper Place In God

    Contributed on Jan 26, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    We continue our walk with Jacob as he meets Esau. Jacob shows us a great deal of wise stewardship in this chapter. Jacob follows through and returns home in obedience to God.

    Returning to Our Proper Place in God Jacob’s Reunion with Esau Jacob’s Return in obedience to God’s Promised Land I noticed in the Bristol Bay Times this week that a serviceman and his family were able to visit Dillingham. Imagine he had been gone 13 years. I know that when Gloria and I more

  • 4. Weathering The Storms In Life

    Contributed on Feb 2, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    We will walk with Jacob, as his daughter Dinah is brutally raped by Shekem, a prince of Hamor. We will see how God would have us walk, and we will see what happens when we choose to take matters into our own hands. We must always remember--Vengeance is

    Weathering the Storms of Life DBF 2/3/02 Storms in our walk with God Storms stemming from the desires of others Boy you sure did have a big storm here in Dillingham while I was gone. Man about 30 inches of snow in 24 hours or so. Anywhere else in our country would have come to an absolute more

  • 5. Seeds Rarely Fall Far From The Tree

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    We will watch as God calls Jacob to Bethel and provides His protection as the family journeys to Bethel. We will also see some consequences of sins in Jacob’s family and things that happen due to it.

    Seeds rarely fall Far from the Tree Real consequences of our Sin Cleaning house under God’s Providence Consequences of sins in Jacob’s family Have you ever known someone who was richly blessed in material things, in knowledge, in wisdom, in relationships? What did that person claim as more

  • 6. Our Choice's Today Will Shape Our Tomorrows

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    We will look at Esau’s history and the legacy he leaves. God calls us to be separated and holy--because He is holy. Lets learn from some things in Genesis 36.

    Our Choice’s Today will shape our Tomorrows DBF 02/17/02 Genesis 36 Esau’s History Esau’s Legacy You know people often tell me about how blessed we are to have a son like Dominique and to have the privilege to be in fellowship with the nice young people who come to Dillingham Bible more

  • 7. Prepared For A Sinful World--Secure In God's Promise

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    We will walk with Jacob’s family and view the faithful walk of young Joseph. His willingness to go when called of God--I pray that you and I are as willing to place ourselves in service to God and possible in harms way to fulfill God’s perfect will.

    Prepared for a Sinful World Resting Secure in God’s Promise Remembered in Trials DBF 3/10/02 Boy, when you live in a small community like Dillingham or Bristol Bay you can’t afford to lose any friends. What do you think you should do to keep your friends and family happy with more

  • 8. Beware Your Lies Will Catch Up To You

    Contributed on Mar 16, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    In Genesis Chapter 38 we will walk with Judah and see where deceit commited by him comes back to find him. Also discussed is the sins of a generation will be visited to the third and fourth generation and suggestions for dealing with this multigeneration

    Beware your Lies will catch up to you Character of Judah Caught in his own deceit You know all of us here in Dillingham have heard the story our elders tell of going to school barefooted, both ways uphill. Well maybe not that one. It could have been the six-foot rabbits or the one about more

  • 9. Prosper In Your Walk With God

    Contributed on Mar 23, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    We will walk with Joseph and see that God prospers all that he does. God seeks to prosper you and I in pursuit of HIS good and perfect will.

    Prosper in your walk with God Keep yourself from Temptations Keep faith in the times of False Accusations DBF 3/24/02 Genesis 39 Good morning and welcome to Dillingham Bible Fellowship this morning. Praise God for this is a day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in more

  • 10. Seeing The Future Through The Eyes Of God

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    This week we will walk with Joseph as he helps two of the Pharaoh’s servants interpret their dreams. One has success and fails to remember Joseph for two years, the other dies as God allows Joseph to interpret. God is our great interpretor--He alone kno

    Seeing the Future through the Eyes of God A. The Characters B. The confusion C. The clarification D. The conclusion DBF 4/7/02 Genesis 40 Boy the last few years in Bristol Bay have been really different. Four years ago there were little or no salmon that came in. There was so much doom more

  • 11. Delivered By The Hand Of God Of Israel

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    We will see Joseph and Pharaoh delivered by the mighty hand of God. God was needed to interpret the dream of Pharaoh--who was a God in Egypt. Who do you go to when you need to be delivered? This gives us the perfect direction and our only source of del

    Delivered by the Hand of the God of Israel A. The Revelation B. The Remembering and Review C. The Rendering and Recommendations D. The Recognition and Promotion DBF, 4/14/02 Genesis 41 As a Bi-vocational Pastor, whose other job is as a Juvenile Probation Officer, I often find myself more

  • 12. Real Forgiveness From God

    Contributed on Apr 20, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Joseph will show real God like characteristics in Forgiving his brothers and God continues to care for the nation of Israel during this time of famine.

    Real Forgiveness from God A. Reason and Recognition B. Rebukes, Requirements and Remorse C. Restraint and Return D. Review Have you ever been in a situation where you do something that you know is wrong but you justify yourself in the fact the “the other person deserved it”, “the other more

  • 13. Called To Return

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    God calls us to return to completing His business. In Genesis 43 we will see Jacob and his sons return for grain and for God’s greater purpose--the Salvation and Continuation of the Nation of Israel.

    Called to Return A. The Promise B. The Preparation and Panic C. The Presentation and Placement DBF, Genesis 43, 4/28/02 I know there are times of year that we all leave Dillingham and Bristol Bay to go to different places outside. When I go, I really do enjoy leaving for a while to more

  • 14. What Shall You Make Of Your Life

    Contributed on May 5, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    We will watch as Joseph plots and plans to verify the heart of his brothers. We often plot and wait, often not understanding the true answer which God has given us. We should seek to fully know and do the will of God.

    What Shall You Make of Your Life A. By Plotting and Planning B. By Pleading before the Lord We live in a glorious place here in Dillingham, Alaska and Bristol Bay. We see clearly the hand of God around us in his creation and in the wonderful people he has placed here. I often am amazed more

  • 15. Stand Before God And Man With No Deception

    Contributed on May 18, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    We will see Joseph tell his brothers his true identity and have a personal time with them. This is so like the personal time Jesus seeks to spend with you and I on an ongoing basis in our ongoing relationship with Him.

    Stand before God and Man with no Deception A. Come clean then be consoled B. God’s providence provided to Israel C. Jacob’s Joy Boy, the gimmicks we see today to get people to do things. I don’t know, I almost thought when I came out to Dillingham and Bristol Bay that we wouldn’t see more

  • 16. A Time For Reunion Under God

    Contributed on May 25, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Let’s go with Jacob to the reunion of his lifetime. This reunion is orchastrated under the providential hand of God. We will look at the change from the person chosen to continue the seed of the nation to the nations birth.

    A Time for Reunion Under God A. God’s Promised Protection B. God’s People C. God’s Providence in the Land I remember as a young serviceman stationed in the Philippines for 3 years without returning home. I was going to school doing things and always figured I’d have tomorrow to right more

  • 17. A Time Of Peace And A Time To Pass

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2002
    based on 32 ratings

    We will walk with Jacob Israel today through the 47th Chapter of Genesis and see the Peace, provision, and promise at his passing on. Good things for growing Christians.

    A time of Peace and a time to Pass A. Israel finds peace B. Israel’s provision and promise DBF Sunday Sermon, 6/2/02, Genesis 47 You know that in our day and age the word “Peace” is taken for so many things. It is mixed up with “Peace and Love”. more

  • 18. Becoming God's Chosen--Nation

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Jacob-Israel chooses Ephraim and Manasseh into his family. Just as we born again Christians are grafted into God’s Family, Jacob shows us similar undertaking in giving the first two children of Joseph equal standing within the nation of Israel. Jacob un

    Becoming God’s Chosen A. Jacob-Israel adopt Joseph’s Sons B. Jacob-Israel blesses Joseph’s Sons Dillingham Bible Fellowship, Genesis 48, 6/8/02 I joined the Air Force right out of High School. It was not a planned out choice, for I really did not plan on more

  • 19. We Reap What We Sow

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    We will watch as Jacob blesses his children and in the blessing we will see that they reap what they sow. We too reap what we sow and we should heed this warning.

    Reaping What We Sow A. In our Lives B. In Dying and the things thereafter DBF, Sunday Worship, 6/23/02 My Father was always fond of people with political connections and money. He thought that there was something special about them and he would often tell anyone listening to him this. I more

  • 20. Returning To Our Proper Place

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    We will walk with Joseph at the death of Jacob, mourning with him and going with him to return Jacob-Israel to Canaan.

    Returning to our Proper Place A. Return B. Reassurance C. Removal Promised DBF, 7/7/02 It is good to be in the presence of God. I feel safe and comfortable there. In the last year there were numerous happenings that stole this feeling of safety and comfort to people around the more