Sometimes we all like to put our thoughts to paper and this is what I have done here with this poem. I think we are quite familiar with the Proverbs and the wisdom contained there.

I am at the latter end of my life and looking forward to the Lord’s coming. I suppose the older we are the more experience we have accumulated and I don’t mind passing on a few thoughts on that.

The idea came to me to jot down some of the ideas mainly applying to Christians, but not all of these do. It came to 20 ideas I called snippets because each stanza is small.

I intend doing messages based on my poems that can be used as illustrations. I have a lot of poems. They will be done in alphabetical order over time and all will be in the category “SERMON ILLUSTRATIONS”.

Stanzas from poems can be used on cards or messages or in quotes and poems can be in messages. We have even sung a few at church – ones designed for that. Use as you feel led.


What the Lord gives belongs to Him. Please use what you want for the Lord’s glory. The only thing I ask is that no one takes a poem and claims it as his/her own. I have had that happen before. Simply acknowledge copyright, that is all.

I have had to place divisions under each stanza because for some annoying reason when my poems go on Sermon Central they lose their formatting. I wish I knew why.

{{3John 1:3 “for I was very glad when brethren came and bore witness to your truth, that is, how you are walking in truth.”}}


When the world looks at me,

I want the world to see,

That the Lord lives His life through me.


We must do what is right;

Live with God in the light,

And keep our testimony bright.


We must note with our ear,

What in God’s word we hear,

For to help us, the Lord is near.


In this world keep awake,

Because much is at stake,

And we can be duped by what’s fake.


Be as wise as God’s sage

In this bad, sinful age.

Be doves on this world’s sinful stage.


With the Lord by my side,

I know I can abide;

Always, and in Him, I confide.


For God’s word you must thirst,

In a world that is cursed,

So in all things, God must be first.


Keep fast what you have heard;

By the Spirit, be stirred;

Don’t let your witness become blurred.


Honour Jesus as King;

Your worship to Him bring;

Give to the Lord your ev’rything.


Jesus is my true Vine.

At His side I will dine.

How wonderful, then, He is mine.


I know that I am frail.

My light is often pale.

Shelter me, my Lord, in the gale.


Lord, you more than suffice,

When sin tightens the vice,

And tries all vile means to entice.


It is sin that attracts;

From your walk it detracts.

God will help defeat those attacks.


The Lord comes in the air,

And He’ll take us to where

All is glory, holy and fair.


Guard against pride and fame,

For they fast bring shame,

But be humble and seek Christ's Name.


Speak only what is meant;

Avoid the truth that’s bent;

Be careful how your days are spent.


No person, you must cheat;

Be kind to those you greet,

For you’ll stand at God’s judgement seat.


It’s good, for sins, to weep,

For forgiveness is deep,

And what you’ve sown, that shall you reap.


Do not the Saviour doubt,

Or live in godless drought,

But all God’s mighty wonders, shout.


Man will reap where he’s ploughed;

Careless sins of the crowd,

But one day God humbles the proud.

Begun 15 March 2001. All the rest completed 28 December 2021.

R E Ferguson Metre = 6-6-8 AAA etc