Sermon Series
  • 1. Faith, Part 1

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2011

    Part 1 of 6 in a series on exploring "Faith". This message focuses on defining faith and what the basis of our faith must be. That biblical basis has always been, and always will be, Jesus!

    Faith, Part 1 Galatians 2:15-21 Believers often struggle with explaining, "What is faith?" Sometimes we are strong Other times we are weak ... and we struggle It is in these times that God moves us IF ... we will listen and obey His direction Stand and read Galatians 2:15-21 / Pray 1. more

  • 2. Faith, Part 2

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2011

    Part 2 of 6 in a series on exploring "Faith". This message focuses on answering the question, "Why Does God Test our Faith?" using a story of one man who's faith was tested often.

    Faith Series, Part 2 “Why Does God Test our Faith?” Matthew 14:22-33 - Six part series on our faith - Wed night: “Faith is our understanding that through the Law we must die to ourselves in order to live for God.” - Believers often wonder why God would test our more

  • 3. Faith, Part 3

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2011

    Part 3 of 6 in a series on exploring "Faith". This message focuses on utilizing our faith to praise the Lord in every circumstance; and ensuring that our focus is on giving Him glory and honor always.

    Psalm 100 There was a preacher that was trying to sell his horse. A potential buyer came to the church for a test ride. "Before you start" the preacher said," you should know that this horse only responds to church talk. Go is praise the lord and stop is amen." So the man on the horse more

  • 4. Faith, Part 4

    Contributed on Jul 24, 2011

    Part 4 of 6 in a series on exploring "Faith". This message focuses on understanding that in our faith we must come together at the church for one purpose -- to continue the Earthly ministry of Jesus Christ by introducing others to the Father.

    The Purpose of the Church (Faith Series, Part 4) Various Scriptures - Always been varying opinions about the functions of the church - This morning, we are going to look at its four highest priorities - As we seek to grow in faith, we must continue to grow towards God - When things continue more

  • 5. Faith, Part 6

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2011

    Part 6 in a series on exploring "Faith". This message focuses on Peter and John going to worship and seeing (and seizing) the opportunity to share Jesus with a man who needed so much more than just material goods. It is in this act, that we should see o

    Faith in Action, Part 1 (Part 6) Acts 3:1-10 - When it comes to our faith, the most difficult thing often is putting it into action - What the Lord calls us to do is to act; to respond; to move – no matter the cause - Perhaps the most difficult is to respond to His calling; to move more

  • 6. Faith, Part 7

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Part 7 in a series on exploring "Faith". This message focuses on the response of the crowd after seeing a man healed by Peter through the power of the Holy Spirit. It explores the question, "Why, if going to church to worship God, would the religious of

    Faith in Action, Part 2 (Part 7) Acts 3:10-16 - In part 1 of this message we discussed several important key items -- 1. Peter and John were going to worship because they desired to -- 2. Peter saw an opportunity to practice what he had learned from Jesus -- 3. Peter had a desire to share more