Sermon Series
  • 1. A Dynamic Voice To A Dying Nation

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2010
    based on 13 ratings

    A faithful prophet speaks to a faltering nation about a forgiving God.

    A DYNAMIC VOICE TO A DYING NATION JEREMIAH 1:1-19 INTRODUCTION: Jeremiah was a man who was: I. Trained for the times (v.1-8) A. His Identification B. His Revelation C. His Duration D. His Formation E. His Hesitation II. Touched for the task (v.9-10) A. The Touch B. The more

  • 2. Can A Bride Forget?

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    How can a nation forget God?

    CAN A BRIDE FORGET? JEREMIAH 2:1-4:4 INTRODUCTION: The theme of Jeremiah is captured in this one verse. I. The Sin that is mentioned A. Whom B. Who C. When D. Why E. Where II. The Question that is asked III. The Repentance that is more

  • 3. When God Declares War

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    Going to war with God is a losing cause!

    WHEN GOD DECLARES WAR JEREMIAH 4:5-6:30 INTRODUCTION: This is the third sermon in a series on “A Journey through Jeremiah”. Here is Jeremiah. He has been created by God; conditioned by God; called by God; and commissioned by God. He is sent into a society, not unlike the one in which we more

  • 4. The Temple Sermon

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    The Temple Sermon back then is the Temple Sermon we need today!

    THE TEMPLE SERMON JEREMIAH 7:10 INTRODUCTION: Preach the word! Where? Jeremiah leaves the square (5:1) and now goes to the sanctuary (7:1). He exits the courthouse and enters the church house. A background study of this scene reveals two items. One, this was a festival time so there would more

  • 5. A Prodigal People And A Pleading God

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Prodigal people are prodigal because of a broken commitment which leads to a brazen contempt and a blinding confusion.

    A PRODIGAL PEOPLE AND A PLEADING GOD JEREMIAH 11-13 INTRODUCTION: Jeremiah has gone from his own shelter to the square; from the square to the sanctuary; from the sanctuary now to the streets (11:16). He lived in a day where there was no love for God, no loyalty to God and, therefore, no more

  • 6. Past The Point Of No Return

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Can people go so far in sin that they become virtually incapable of repentance?

    PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN JEREMIAH 14-20 INTRODUCTION: Let’s do a quick review. Look at Jeremiah’s tasks. He has been created by God and called by God. He has been conditioned, positioned and commissioned for his tasks. Look at his travels. He has left his shelter to go to more

  • 7. On Politicians And Preachers

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    In Jeremiah’s day much of the confusion, corruption, and chaos can be traced back to two classes.

    ON POLITICIANS AND PREACHERS! JEREMIAH 21-23 INTRODUCTION: It was Paul Harvey who said, “In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.” When one ponders and studies the conditions of politics and preaching today that one needs to be reminded that the more

  • 8. Devoted Living In Difficult Days

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Don’t lose your ambition in the midst of difficult days.

    DEVOTED LIVING IN DIFFICULT DAYS JEREMIAH 24-29 INTRODUCTION: Robert J. Morgan said, “We must never forget that the word persevere comes from the prefix ‘per’, meaning through, coupled with the word ‘severe’. It means to keep pressing on, trusting God, looking up, doing our duty – even more

  • 9. Got Hope?

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Put your hope in God.

    GOT HOPE? JEREMIAH 30-33 INTRODUCTION: Paul put it this way, “Christ in you the hope of glory,” (Col.1:27). “While we wait for that blessed hope” (Tit.2:13). The writer of Hebrews stated thus, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for (Heb.11:1). The Psalmist more

  • 10. The Enduring Word Of God

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Some ignore the Word. Some are incensed by the Word. Some incarnate the Word.

    THE ENDURING WORD OF GOD JEREMIAH 34-36 INTRODUCTION: Adrian Rogers once said, “The only hope for America (or any nation I might add) is to change public opinion.” But how is that done? It is done one soul at a time and the only means by which it is accomplished is the more