Sermon Series
  • 1. Dealing With Suicide

    Contributed on May 30, 2021

    The suicide of Judas is the only case of suicide in the New Testament. This message looks at what we can learn from that event as we deal with those who take their own lives.

    When I was a teenager one of my favourite television shows was MASH, and Angela and I have just started from the beginning and are watching it all over again. And if you are familiar with the TV show or the movie than you are familiar with the theme song, which is called Suicide is Painless. If more

  • 2. Dealing With Ocd

    Contributed on May 22, 2021

    OCD is often joked about but this mental health issue can severely impact people's lives. Saul's obsession over David ultimately impacted his ability to rule Israel.

    In 1884 he moved to the United States with nothing but a letter of introduction to Thomas Edison. The letter was written by his former employer, Charles Batchelor, and it simply read, “I know two great men, one is you and the other is this young man.” Today, when we think of Tesla, we think of more

  • 3. Dealing With Anxiety

    Contributed on May 1, 2021

    During these days of COVID, Anxiety seems to be an ever-increasing problem, here are some suggestions for dealing with them

    Have you ever been afraid of tomatoes? I mean, other than after watching the movie “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes”? Today, you might not like tomatoes, but chances are you’re not afraid of them. But things were different in the 1700s. During that period in history, a large percentage of Europeans more

  • 4. Dealing With Narcissim

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2021

    This message looks at the story of Samson and how people can deal with narcissism

    In November 0f 1998, I began a sermon that had been percolating in my mind for a few days. It was going to be a message about Samson, the Judge from the Old Testament. If you've attended Sunday School or VBS, you know who I mean, the dude with the long hair who was betrayed by Delilah. Sound more