Sermon Series
  • 1. Out From Behind Locked Doors

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Opening Sermon to an Acts series, although this passage is not in Acts but in John, the passage bridges from Resurection to the begginnings of the Acts community. Main Passage is John 20:19-23

    Well, we have come out of Easter having taken some time looking at some of the area’s where God is calling us to follow in his steps. And we have seen how God is inviting us to walk with him in resurrection power, so we are now moving beyond the resurrection to see. Into the bigger picture, more

  • 2. Too Much Wine?

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2011

    The Second Sermon on our Action in Acts series, we look into the similarities in community formation with exodus, plus the role of the spirit in the community.

    They had too much wine This is going beyond hiding in a room, they have now spent time with the risen Christ and are starting to see who they are, and so they have gone out, without really knowing what would be next. Intro: The world is a very busy place, we live in a very strange time, where more

  • 3. Into The Fellowship

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    3rd Part of our Action in Acts series: Being part of the Action of God means being a true part of the fellowship. To hear this or other sermon audio's go to our website under sermons

    The steadfast fellowship Intro: Last week we went into a passage that looked at how God was forming a new people, a new kingdom, and he worked through Pentecost, following the lines of the calling out of Israel from slavery in Egypt, defeating pharaoh and then setting a new call on a motley crew more

  • 4. A Generous Heart

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Our 4th sermon in our Action in Acts series, we look at how our giving and the heart behind it determines our capacity for being part of the Action of God

    Action – A Generous heart Acts is a book where one of the underlying questions is what is this new community, this new nation, on about? What kind of community is God wanting to create? Do you guys remember a few years ago, the world news was focused on modern day piracy? It was off the more

  • 5. Speaking Your Story

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2011

    6th Sermon in our Action in Acts series, this deals with the thr trial and stoning of Stephen, and seeking to find God’s movement and our invitation within a story that looks less than encouraging

    Action – Speaking your Story Have you ever asked someone a question and instead of getting a simple answer, they give you a long and detailed account of far more than the small answer you were looking for? I think we can all come up with one or two people that fit this description. And, I think more

  • 6. Follow The Call

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2011

    This is the 5th of our series on Action in Acts. We look at the charges against Peter, how he did not seek to justify himself but share what God was doing, and how we are called to focus on what is truly important.

    Action – Follow the right voice (5:17-42) Have you noticed how there seems to be people making stands for all sorts of things in life? There are thousands of causes, and there are people fighting for all sorts of things. Even within the “church” community, there are people with more

  • 7. A Transformed Name

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    7th Sermon in our Action in Acts series, preached on June 19th, it was leading into the summer were continuity and attendance start to decline. This sermon is focusing on the transformation of Saul, the stretching of Annanias and how God wants to change u

    Action – A transformed name I was watching the news reports of the rioting in Vancouver after game 7 this week and was struck by two things, how dangerous people can be when they start going down that path and the danger that is our reaction to it, thinking that there is no way we would more

  • 8. God Likes To Cross The Lines

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2011

    8th Sermon in our Action in Acts series, we look at how God pushes us out of our natural divisions and understandings, and when we are willing to follow him there, he can do huge things through us.

    Action – God crossing the line (Show a coloring page) Who recognizes this? It’s a coloring page, which most of us can remember from when we were children or from when we had children... And for most of our lives, we have learned that this is what we are to do with it (show a well more

  • 9. Attitude, Altitude, And Acting On It

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2011

    9th Sermon in the Action in Acts Series, this deals with making decisions in a way that thrusts us into the action of God, which is not only a bigger life, but also where we are called to be

    Into Action in Acts: Attitude, Altitude and Acting on it Do you ever feel that God is unreasonable in what he asks or decides or even a little crazy sometimes... Or let me put it a different way Good Decisions can be a bit of work, but they aren’t terribly hard. You look at the long more

  • 10. Getting The Whole Picture

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 10th sermon in the series, and deals with Baptism from a diferent passage then expected, and also deals with living within the fulness of the resurrestion instead of just in repentance.

    Acts – Getting the whole picture: Baptism There was a radio show that I still remember today, which for those of you under 20, is like a pod cast before there were pod casts. The radio announcer would walk through an interesting story of someone, which would be fine, but right near the end more