Sermon Series
  • 1. Introduction To The Book Of Daniel

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2021

    A few background details before getting into the study.

    Tonight, we begin a more detailed look at the book of Daniel. I’m not exactly sure where God will lead us in this study. There are only 12 chapters in the book of Daniel but I’m not sure how detailed God will get us. But I anticipate this study taking 5-6 months or longer. So, hang on. Fasten more

  • 2. Compromise Is Not The Answer

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2021

    In the very beginning of his stay in the king's Palace, Daniel took a stand that could have led to his execution or at the very least, enslavement or imprisonment.

    Last time we talked about how Daniel and his three friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego remained faithful to the Lord despite how they were strongly tempted to compromise. He was determined to stay faithful to the Lord no matter how much pressure was put upon him. So, in the very beginning of more

  • 3. Dream Revealed To Daniel

    Contributed on Sep 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Daniel intervenes and tries to understand Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

    Last week we ended our study with King Nebuchadnezzar ordering that all of the wise men of Babylon be destroyed. We also said that Daniel and his three friends were considered to be some of the wise men of Babylon and so the order would have pertained to them. Tonight, we will pick up our study more

  • 4. The Dream Revealed And Interpretted

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We're going to see in this passage that Nebuchadnezzar's dream concerned 4 significant empires that were to rule upon the Earth, but toward the end of the interpretation we will see that the fourth Kingdom will be restored and led by the Antichrist himself.

    Tonight, we finally get to know what King Nebuchadnezzar's dream is and how it was interpreted. We're going to see in this passage that Nebuchadnezzar's dream concerned 4 significant empires that were to rule upon the Earth, but toward the end of the interpretation we will see that the more

  • 5. The Warning Becomes Reality

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2021

    The King learns a lot about his pride and self-sufficiency.

    You might remember that in our last study Daniel revealed the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. This was God's warning to the king that he needed to change his ways or else all these things were to happen. We pick up our story tonight in Daniel chapter 4: 28. Read Daniel 4: more

  • 6. Daniel Interprets Another Dream

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2021

    Daniel's interpretation of the king's dream reveals a grim future for the king.

    We are in chapter 4 in Daniel. Last week we studied the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had. You might remember that he called all of his occult advisors in to interpret the dream and once again they could not. Daniel comes in and the King relays the dream to him. We begin in verse 19 more

  • 7. Pride Revealed In A Dream

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2021

    This chapter deals with sinful pride.

    Well, we finally made it to chapter 4 in the Book of Daniel. This chapter deals with sinful pride. People who are filled with pride exalt themselves and demean others. That pride is sinful because it belittles and sometimes oppresses others. Sinful pride can cause rulers to subject people and more

  • 8. God Delivers

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2021

    Tonight brings us the climax of this story that most of us already know. But even though it's a familiar story, I always look for some reason that this story is in God's Word. Why is it there and what it is trying to teach us?

    Tonight's study in the third chapter of Daniel is really very short. But even though it's short, it packs a powerful message for all of us. Last time our study in the Book of Daniel left us at the entrance to the fiery furnace. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were bound, fully clothed, more

  • 9. A Steadfast Faith

    Contributed on Oct 4, 2021

    Throughout life, we will face some critical decisions just as Daniel's three friends did. If we choose to deny the Lord, we may escape the threats and the suffering for a brief time, but the day of us leaving this world will eventually come.

    Last time we saw how Nebuchadnezzar had become emperor over a vast empire and was wondering how he could bring all the people together. He remembered his dream from years before and decided to construct a gold statue. Then he ordered the people as they hear the orchestra play, they were to bow more

  • 10. The Golden Statue

    Contributed on Sep 29, 2021

    Nebuchadnezzar remembers the huge statue from his dream years before and the fact that he was the head of gold on that statue. So, he had constructed a huge statue as the representative of the new state religion.

    Tonight, we get into the beginning of chapter 3 in the book of Daniel. We will talk tonight about Nebuchadnezzar's gold statue. You know, all of us face trials and afflictions in our life. Sooner or later all of us face hard times. It's in those hard times that we need a strong more

  • 11. God's Judgment On Wickedness

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2021

    This chapter deals with the familiar story of “the hand writing on the wall.” This is a warning of a consequence of wicked living.

    Tonight, we get into chapter 5. This chapter deals with the familiar story of “the hand writing on the wall.” That phrase has become synonymous with having a reality check. Someone will say, “Yeah, he saw the handwriting on the wall with that situation.” I’m going to lead up to that point of more

  • 12. The Handwriting On The Wall

    Contributed on Dec 27, 2021

    A continuation of the study of Daniel. The interpretation of the message on the wall.

    It has been a while since we have been in our study. bTonight we will begin in Daniel 5:17. You might remember from last time that King Belshazzar held a huge banquet. He had made the mistake of using the sacred cups that were stolen from the temple in Jerusalem. He used them as part of his more

  • 13. The Faithfulness Of Daniel

    Contributed on Jan 3, 2022

    Daniel's faith remained strong even when threatened with his life.

    Tonight, we get into chapter 6 in the book of Daniel. This is the well-known “Daniel in the lion's den” chapter. From last time we might remember that King Belshazzar was killed by the Persians and Darius the Mede became king. Read Daniel 6:1-3. Darius appointed Daniel to be one of his top more

  • 14. Daniel In The Lion's Den

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2022

    Daniel's testimony was for his Lord. He had a reputation of serving God with all of his heart. He prayed to God three times a day. With that testimony, those that were against him plotted a way to use his dedication to the Lord against him to have him removed from office and executed.

    Tonight we are in Daniel 6:16. From last time you might remember that King Darius’ advisors plotted to get rid of Daniel. There was surely jealousy because King Darius had made Daniel 3rd ruling official in Babylon. The cultic advisors were jealous that a Jew had been appointed in a position more

  • 15. Daniel's Vision Of Future Events Part 1

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2022

    Chapter 7 as a whole is probably the most important chapter dealing with end time prophecy in the Old Testament. In this chapter, the very course of future events was laid out for Daniel and his generation.

    Tonight we are going to look at Daniel 7:1-14. Chapter 7 as a whole is probably the most important chapter dealing with end time prophecy in the Old Testament. In this chapter, the very course of future events was laid out for Daniel and his generation. Some of the events have already been more

  • 16. Daniel's Vision Of Future Events Part 2

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2022

    Last time we were given a portion of Daniel’s vision that explained what would happen to the empires of that day. Four beasts representing different empires were seen in his vision. But the vision or prophecy is not over yet.

    Last time we were given a portion of Daniel’s vision the explained what would happen to the empires of that day. Four beasts representing different empires were seen in his vision. Those things that Daniel saw in this vision have actually already occurred in history. But the vision or prophecy more

  • 17. An Angel Interprets Daniel's Vision

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2022

    Tonight's episode is an angel that Daniel asks to interpret for him. So, it will allow us to get a little bit clearer picture of what the meaning was of Daniel's vision.

    Tonight I'm going to try to finish up chapter 7 of The Book of Daniel beginning in verse 15. We have spent two sessions already on trying to interpret this vision that Daniel was given. Tonight's episode is an angel that Daniel asks to interpret for him. So, it will allow us to get a more

  • 18. Daniel's Vision Of The Ram, The Goat, And The Little Horn

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2022

    What we will see in this chapter is a clear picture of ruler's denying the Lord and trampling people underfoot, both believers and unbelievers.

    Tonight we enter into chapter 8 in the book of Daniel. At this point in history, Israel had lost everything and were exiled into Babylon. God knew that His people needed some kind of encouragement. So, from this point on, chapters 8 through 12, the Scripture was originally written in Hebrew. more

  • 19. An Angel Interprets Daniel's Vision

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2022

    Much like chapter 7, in chapter 8 the second half of the chapter an angel interprets Daniel's vision. The devastation of the end times is predicted.

    Much like chapter 7, in chapter 8 the second half of the chapter an angel interprets Daniel's vision. Daniel 8: 15 - 19. Suddenly, a majestic person stood before Daniel, a heavenly person who looked like a man. Some believe that this striking and imposing person was the Lord Jesus Christ. more

  • 20. Daniel's Vision Of The 70 Weeks

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2022

    God reveals His plan for Israel and for all human beings through the angel Gabriel.

    Last time we discussed in detail Daniel's prayer. He gave us a prime example of the format of a prayer. He first showed his adoration for the Lord. Then he confessed not only his sins but the sins of Israel. Then he thanked God for being so forgiving and righteous and merciful. Then he more

  • 21. Daniel's Persistent And Triumphant Prayer

    Contributed on Mar 21, 2022

    Daniel receives another vision from an Awesome being. This passage also emphasizes the spiritual warfare going on in the heavenly realm.

    Let's begin tonight by having someone read Daniel 10:1-3. Again, we are back in time when the Medo-Persians conquered Babylon and Cyrus was king. Daniel's name was still Beltshazzar. Daniel received this Revelation in 536 B.C. This was about the same time that the Lord rescued him from more

  • 22. Daniel's Vision Of World History Part 1

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2022

    In the first part of this vision that God gave Daniel, we see that God wanted Daniel and all succeeding generations to know the major events of world history up until the very end.

    Last time we spoke about this great cosmic warfare being fought for the souls of people. The warfare is being waged by the angels of God and the angels of Satan who are locked in a constant fight to influence the behavior of people and nations. We got a glimpse of this warfare in the previous more

  • 23. Daniel's Vision Of World History Part 2

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2022

    What we are about to see in the remainder of this vision is future prophecy that has not yet occurred. Beginning with verse 36, the king referred to in passage is the Antichrist who is to arise in the last days of human history.

    Last time we looked at the first part of the vision given to Daniel and saw that the events in the vision have now already occurred in history. We stopped at Daniel 11:35. There seems to be a definite break between verses 35 and 36. What we are about to see in the remainder of this vision is more