
Summary: This is the 198th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 6th sermon from Philippians.

Series: Action [#198]


Philippians 3:1-11


On this Mother’s Day, I remember 1 of my Mother’s favorite sayings when growing up was, “I am sick and tired of… (Fill in the blank.) I’m sure that there were many moments while raising my brother and I, that she did not have a lot of joy. I was recently asked, “Why is it that so many Christians lose their joy”? I am sure that there are many mothers here who could answer that question with, “My children”. There are many things in life that will rob you of joy. So how do you keep your joy regardless of what is going on in your life?

Philippians 3:1-3

Let’s look at the safeguards Paul gives us to keep our joy.

1. Resist legalistic attitudes.

Legalism will rob your joy. Legalism is substituting rules and regulations for my relationship to Christ. It comes in very subtly as a believer. It gets the focus off what God has done for you and gets the focus on what you have to do for God. When you flip the focus around like that, you're going to lose your joy.

Grace is the key to joy. The 2 words go together. They have the same root word in Greek. To realize that everything God does in you and through you is by grace, rather than working for it and earning it. Grace is the secret of joy. Paul uses his life as an example. Paul was a legalist before he became a believer. He had tried the rules and regulations way, and it didn't work.

Philippians 3:4-6

Paul gives us examples of legalism that are applicable for us today. How do you know when you're falling into the trap of legalism?

You begin to trust in…

* Rituals.

* Race.

* Religion.

* Rules.

* Reputation.

Philippians 3:7-9

2. Reevaluate your activities.

A lot of people are looking for joy in all the wrong places. Know what is important, what is profit and loss. Don't lose your joy over things that really don't count. The #1 reason people lose their joy is they misplace their priorities- They get too involved in things that really aren't that important. In verse 8, Paul points out that life consists of trade-offs. That's an important lesson you must learn in life. He said that he gave up something in order to gain something else. He gave up his religion in order to have a relationship.

Philippians 3:10-11

3. Refocus your ambitions.

Lasting joy comes from knowing Christ better and better. Paul says his #1 goal in life is to know Christ better and better. How well do you know Jesus Christ?

How do you get to know God in a personal way?

* Time.

It takes time to know anybody, to develop a relationship. It takes time to get to know God. You need to spend time alone with God to get to know Him. Read and study your Bible. Spend time in prayer and meditation. You cannot develop a relationship in a crowd. The only time many Christians ever think about Jesus Christ is in a crowd when they are with other Christians. They need to develop the relationship on their own.

How do you get to know God in a personal way?

* Talk.

Good relationships require communication. You must talk to God- Pray. Listen to God as you pray, read the Bible, fellowship with other Christians, go through circumstances, or have dream and visions.

How do you get to know God in a personal way?

* Trust.

Relationships are built on trust. God wants you to learn to trust Him. He will allow all kinds of problems in your life so you can learn that He is reliable all the time. God is reliable in every situation.


On this Mother’s Day, I pray that each of you have joy and peace in your life regardless of what is going on. If you are here today without Christ as your Savior, you will never find this type of joy that I have been preaching about.

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