
MediaVault for PRO Members Christian eBook Library

Featured eBook

On The Christian Life by John Calvin

As the title suggests, this volume addresses the Christian life and begins with the Scriptural exhortations of living it. It continues with the importance of self-denial and the promotion of our neighbor and those in the church, with examples of bearing the cross and perseverance through patience. In the final chapters, Calvin calls the Christian to be mindful of the heavenly future and warns against undue love of this present life.

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About the Books

Each book in the Christian eBook Library has been carefully chosen. The book has specific application for pastors, leaders and other followers of Christ wanting spiritual development in the context of great leaders from Church history. In the fast-paced internet age where readers are bombarded with unlimited messages and images, readers in search of a deeper walk with Christ can be inspired by the faith of Christians which transcends the present digital era.

All eBooks in the Library are free to our current PRO members. If not a member, join today and save $20.