  • Alberto Valenzuela

    Contributing sermons since Oct 5, 2006
Alberto's church

Silver Spring, Maryland 20904

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  • Jesse Is Ahero

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Do you know what a hero is? How many of you have a hero? Are your heroes from the Bible or from real life? How many have heroes from the Bible? How many have heroes from real life?

    Jesse is a hero “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Do you know what a hero is? How many of you have a hero? Are your heroes from the Bible or from real life? How many have heroes from the Bible? How many have heroes from real life? Today more

  • Forever Young

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Would it that we could all be forever young. Ponce de Leon begged and persuaded the king of Spain to grant him men and ships to search for the infamous “fountain of youth”.

    Forever Young One of my favorite songs is “Forever Young” sang by Rod Stewart. I don’t know if he wrote it, but he sings it. There is another song with the same title and theme sang by Bob Dylan. But Stewart’s is my favorite. May the Good Lord be with you down every road you roam And may more

  • A Success Story

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Society hammers into our brains the idea that success is to be measured with goods. The media claims that he who dies with the most toys wins. And we all want not only the best but the latest toys. We all want to win.

    A Success Story All humans, men and women, fall in three categories, in relationship to being successful. Those who are successful, those who aren’t successful and those who are on their way to being successful. If we were to subdivide them even further we could mention those who are on their more

  • Of Man And Work

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2006

    Truth is that on this life we’ll find our fair share or work. And I’m sure that you dream of that day when the Lord will take away time and work and our only pastime will be to play an air guitar on a cloud, when there’ll be no more work to do anywhere. I

    Of Man and Work The story is told of a man in Tampa who was looking for a Job. He applied at several places without any luck. Walking on the streets, he came upon a man and he asked him if he knew of any place where he could find a job. —¿Do you know how to fish?—the man asked more

  • Tu Blanco: Ser Como Jesús

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2006

    Tenemos que admitir que de todas las peticiones que nos hace el Evangelio, la más difícil de todas es aquella que tiene que ver con sufrimiento corporal.

    Tu blanco: Ser como Jesús “Busco la Gran Luz Blanca de Sorbán”, declaró Aldino el Joven al extraño vestido con una capa marrón que acababa de encontrar en el sendero. “¿Y por qué buscas esa Luz Blanca?” le preguntó el extraño desde la capucha de su capa. “Porque me dará el coraje y la more

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  • Una Leyenda India Cuenta La Historia De Un Ratón ...

    Contributed on Oct 7, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Una leyenda india cuenta la historia de un ratón que estaba en constante temor de un gato. Un mago se compadeció del ratón y lo convirtió en un gato. Inmediatamente empezó a tener miedo del perro, así que el mago lo convirtió en un perro. Pero inmediatamente empezó a sentir miedo por el tigre, así more

  • Cuentan Que Un Hombre Llegó A Quejarse Con El ...

    Contributed on Oct 5, 2006

    Cuentan que un hombre llegó a quejarse con el millonario Rothschild: —No es justo —dijo el hombre— que un hombre tenga millones y millones de dólares, mientras que su vecino casi no tiene nada en lo absoluto. Rothschild llamó a su secretario y le pidió que sacase la cuenta de cuanta era su more

  • Mark Twain, El Escritor Norteamericano Que Nos ...

    Contributed on Oct 5, 2006

    Mark Twain, el escritor norteamericano que nos diera Tom Sawyer y Huckleberry Finn, escribió una vez una carta abierta al Comodoro Vanderbilt: ¡Pobre Vanderbilt! ¡Qué lástima me das! Y lo digo honestamente. Eres un hombre viejo y deberías descansar, pero sigues luchando y negándote a ti mismo, more