Darryl's church

Destiny Ministries
Pickerington, Ohio 43147

About Darryl
  • Education: B.S. Business Administration, Florida A&M University
  • Family: Wife of 26 years, 3 adult children.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: It's good to feel somewhat nervous whenever you get up to preach; helps keep you God dependent and not self-dependent.
  • Books that have had an impact: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala High Impact, African-American Churches by Harry Jackson Safely Home by Randy Alcorn
  • Hobbies: Basketball, Reading, Traveling
  • What I want on my tombstone: He fulfilled God's purpose for him in his generation. Acts 13:36
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Newest Sermons

  • What's Your Fruit?

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2014

    When we disconnect from The Vine, the consequences are evident.

    When we disconnect from The Vine we get “jacked up”: 1. Sexually (Usually the one of the first signs of falling away from The Vine) 2. Socially (Can’t fully relate to people not relating properly to Christ; see Adam & Eve) 3. Spiritually (Christ will keep us from sin or, sin more

  • Benefits Of Abiding

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Contrast between Abiding in the Vine or just Visiting.

    Are you ABIDING IN or simply VISITING the VINE? Contrasts: ABIDING: VISITING: 1. Daily Communion 1. Infrequent / 911 Communion 2. Intimate / Close God 2. Distant God 3. Faith / God Reliant 3. Doubt / Self Reliant 4. Great desire to connect with His Body 4. Little or no desire to more

  • The Grapevine

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2014

    Series based on John 15 about abiding in the vine, which is Christ.

    God is the grower, Christ the vine, and you & me the offshoots of the vine. The Process of growing Christians in God’s vineyard: 1. Choose appropriate grape & plant in best area of vineyard (No Cali grapes in NE OH) Location must be best choice, not just for harvest now, but for years more

  • Divine Orchestration Of Frustration

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    How God frustrated Hannah by closing her womb until His appointed time for her to birth Samuel for His purposes. God can inspire and use our frustrations to position us for greater use by Him by surrendering to Him what He brings out of us like He used S

    Divine Orchestration of Frustration Key Points: 1. Your frustration may not necessarily be a bad thing 2. Your frustration may not be caused by what you think; it may be Divinely Inspired 3. Your frustration, when divine in nature, can’t be eased by material things or PEOPLE! 4. Your more

  • Bondage Breakers Part 1

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Getting the victory of strongholds.

    Sermon 3/03/2013 Bondage Breakers Pt. 1 A stronghold is an area of darkness within our mind or personality that causes ongoing spiritual, emotional and\or behavioral problems. A stronghold is a lie that we have allowed to distort or confuse our thinking. With our permission, a lie can gain more

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