  • David Thrower

    Contributing sermons since Dec 14, 2004
David's church

Saints Peter and Paul Maronite Mission
Largo, Florida 33770

About David
  • Education: BA from Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God, Lakeland, FL.
  • Experience: 15 years of experience in itinerant ministry, leading Bible Study groups, teaching a teen Sunday School class, and nursing home ministry. Also, I am a subdeacon in our local parish and am a candidate for Holy Orders with the Old-Calendar Assyrian Church. I am a published writer, and in addition to my own magazine, I contribute to several publications and am an abstractor for Religious and Theological Abstracts, specializing in Charismatic and Eastern Orthodox journals.
  • Family: Wife, Barbara, of 13 years
  • Hobbies: I collect vintage big band recordings, play an instrument called a Tubax, researching my family history, gourmet cooking, and herbal medicine.
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  • Chapter 6- Ephesians

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a chapter of a book I am writing as a devotional on Ephesians. It has to do with Ephesians 4:11 and the office of the evangelist.

    Chapter 11 As we continue to study the five-fold ministry gifts of Ephesians 4:11, one important ministry office comes into focus at this point – the evangelist. Normally when people think of the word “evangelist,” the mental picture is of a sweat-soaked man with big hair preaching in a tent more

  • Tale Of Two Churches Part I

    Contributed on Feb 11, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    There is a coming conflict that will boil down to two religions - one right and one wrong. Which will you be part of?

    Much has been written about the socio-political situation at the time of the end, but we need to study more what will take place in the religious realm at those times. Common sense tells us that the closing hours of the age are about a conflict - Satan is seeking to usurp God’s place so that he more

  • Who Is Your Brother?

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Our Christian Brothers are often found in some unusual places. It should caution us about judging too quickly!

    In this day and age, when there is so much competition and our litigation-crazed society encourages more division than healing, it is often easy for us as Christians to forget that we are supposed to be "living icons" of Jesus Christ to those around us. We actually fight more among ourselves as more

  • Returning To The Landmark

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    This is a message based on personal experience and on Psalm 43:4.

    "I come to the altar of the Lord, to the Lord who rejoices my youth" - Psalm 43:4 Faith for all of us is a pilgrimage, and oftentimes it helps to remember why we have that faith in the first place, as trials and temptations of life can and do sidetrack us. Often, one can gain strength by just more

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