  • Martin Wiles

    Contributing sermons since Aug 24, 2010
Martin's church

Love Lines From God
Greenwood, South Carolina 29649

About Martin
  • Education: Dr. Wiles holds degrees from Baptist College of Florida (BTh) in Graceville, Florida, and from Southern Baptist School in Jacksonville, Florida (M. A., DMin).
  • Experience: Ordained in 1988, Dr. Wiles has pastored churches in Florida and South Carolina.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Martin Wiles is a minister, author, and freelance editor currently living in Greenwood, South Carolina. He and his wife Michelle are founders of Love Lines From God, a devotional ministry helping those who want to enhance their spiritual journey with Christ. His latest book, Grits & Grace & God, is available at Amazon. Or sign up for his daily email devotions by visiting his website.
  • Family: Dr. Wiles and his wife Michelle have two grown children: Chrissy and Ethan.
  • Hobbies: Gardening, collecting antiques and writing are all hobbies enjoyed by Dr. Wiles.
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Newest Sermons

  • Catch The Vision

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    When God’s people are following his vision for them personally and collectively, we won’t be able to contain the excitement that will follow.

    J. Wallace Hamilton said, “Roads to nowhere are hard to build.” Studies have shown that depression rates are higher among today’s generation than in past generations. One has concluded, “The more we focus on ourselves, the more depressed we become.” Without them, more

  • Secure In Your Skin

    Contributed on Feb 29, 2016

    As believers, we don't have to live with insecurities.

    A. Reasons People Feel Insecure 1. Rejection 2. Relationships gone sour 3. Abuse, physical and emotional 4. Enemy behavior 5. Financial setbacks 6. Appearance 7. Job status 8. Education 9. Social standing 10. Continual sinful slip-ups B. My Secure Walk Donned in my walking attire, I more

  • Condemned? Condoned? Forgiven!

    Contributed on Jul 8, 2014

    We can’t overlook or diminish the reality of sin and its consequences, but we can rest in God’s forgiveness of all our sins.

    Introduction A. A huge thanks to my Sunday School class for the lively discussion last week which made the preparation of this sermon extremely easy and hopefully timely. B. Dr. Chris Thurman, in his book The Lies We Believe, tells the story of Jill. 1. Jill had been a Christian for a long more

  • Living With A Clear Conscience

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The conscience is that element in our makeup through which God’s Holy Spirit works to let us know we’re on track or off track. Living with a clear conscience is God’s desire and plan for us and is the key to a happy existence and successful Christian walk

    “My conscience is bothering me.” I’ve said it and heard others say it, but what exactly does it mean? I believe God has created within us…programmed us…a sense of right and wrong. When we’re doing right, our conscience makes us feel good, but when we’re more

  • Answering Why

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2013

    In tragic times, we are tempted to ask why. The question itself is not wrong-after all Jesus asked it of his Father while on the cross, but it may not be the most appropriate question or lead to the best end.

    Introduction: A. When tragedy strikes, we either grow bitter toward God or draw closer to him. B. Can God prevent tragedy? Yes. Why doesn’t he always? We can’t answer that. C. God is imminent and transcendent, but he’s not always imminent when we want him to be. D. As the more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • A Small Boy Who Was Not Quite Three Years Old ...

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2010

    A small boy who was not quite three years old skipped down an imposing corridor. The armed servicemen took no notice of him as he passed their posts. He passed several staff members who paid no attention to him. The guard outside the door the little boy wanted to enter made no attempt to stop him. more

  • Walking In A Rut

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2010

    WALKING IN A RUT Have you ever felt as if you were in a rut? Some years ago, me, my brother and daughter went hiking on the Appalachian Trail on the North Carolina, Tennessee border. It is an area called the Bald Mountains because you actually walk over the tops of the mountains. It is more

  • Norman Wright Describes Four Changes That Have ...

    Contributed on May 9, 2002
    based on 23 ratings

    Norman Wright describes four changes that have taken place in family life in recent years. One is the move toward a nuclear family. This is the mother, father and children. In the past, it was common for families to involve the extended members as well. The second change is the selection of the more

  • A Test For Delinquency

    Contributed on May 9, 2002
    based on 5 ratings

    A TEST FOR DELINQUENCY Harvard University sociologists developed a test with a 90% accuracy reading to determine whether or not a five and six-year-old would be delinquent. They discovered four factors necessary to prevent delinquency: ’the father’s firm, fair, and consistent discipline; the more

  • On January 20, 1953, Dwight Eisenhower, His Wife, ...

    Contributed on May 9, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    On January 20, 1953, Dwight Eisenhower, his wife, family, and Cabinet members went to the National Presbyterian Church before his inauguration as 34th president. After the service, Ike went back to the hotel suite to write a prayer that he would read during the inauguration ceremonies. He more