  • Steven Buhr

    Contributing sermons since Jun 21, 2007
Steven's church

Westshore Community Church
Victoria, British Columbia

About Steven
  • Education: High school grad, 1987. Spent 1 year in YWAM in the DTS & SOE programs in 1988/89.
  • Experience: Served in many lay-minsitries from kids clubs, AWANA, VBS, various committees, board member, board chair, and worship leader for 15 years.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I am a simple man, preaching simple sermons, with the simple idea of leading people to Christ. If God can use me, God can use anyone. I am thankful for those who have influenced my life through their messages. Most are close to home, but I have been grateful to those who contibute here on this website for sharing their love of sharing the gospel.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: A farmer is walking around his property when he hears a banging sound around the side of the barn. He goes over to check it out. Coming around the corner he sees a full-grown goat running head first into the side of the barn, lowering his head as if dazed, then backing up and doing again; over, and over, and over. Thinking that the old goat had hit his head a little too hard, the farmer goes over to collect the goat and return him to his pen. But on getting closer to the barn he notices that each time the goat hits the wall, a little feed is falling through the cracks of the barn, and he was bending down to eat. The old goat wasn’t so dumb after all! We may feel we’re butting our heads against a wall, but if we’re getting just a little result each time, it’s worth it!
  • Family: Married to my beautiful wife, Stephanie, for over 30 years. We are blessed with 3 great kids
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: All sermons should lead to the Gospel message of Christ. Bring people to Jesus - every time.
  • Books that have had an impact: Bible, Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren), Come Thirsty (Max Lucado), The Disciple Making Pastor (Bill Hull), Case For Christ series (Lee Strobel), How Full is Your Bucket? (Rath/Clifton), The Faith (Charles Colson)
  • Hobbies: Salt and fresh-water fishing, playing guitar, being anywhere by the water, photography
  • What I want on my tombstone: No regrets...
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Newest Sermons

  • Life, Death & Living For God

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2023

    Have you suffered for your faith, or lack of it? If I were to ask you what your personal view of suffering is in light of Scripture, how would you answer; could we answer?

    Life, Death & Living for God A study through Peter August 27, 2023 Who here has suffered in some way? Would you say that you’ve suffered greatly? Have you suffered justly, in other words, did you deserve to suffer? Have you suffered for your faith, or lack of it? If I were to ask you what more

  • Jesus, Noah & Baptism

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2023

    we are going to look at just 4 verses… that are perhaps some of the more… shall I say ‘interesting’ verses in the NT? We’re going to explore the correlation between Jesus, Noah, baptism and…spirits in prison that Jesus preached to… sound interesting?

    Jesus, Noah & Baptism A study through Peter August 20, 2023 Jumping back into 1 Peter today, we are going to look at just 4 verses… that are perhaps some of the more… shall I say ‘interesting’ verses in the NT? We’re going to explore the correlation between Jesus, Noah, baptism more

  • A Reason For Hope

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    If someone were to ask you, 'Where do you find hope in life?' what would your answer be?

    A Reason for Hope A study through Peter July 23rd 2023 If someone were to ask you, 'Where do you find hope in life?' what would your answer be? Is your hope for today and the future (because we cannot hope for the past) found in your investments (I hope my stocks are up!), the more

  • In The Same Way

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2023

    The first thing that jumps out at many people in this passage is that little phrase ‘be subject to’ or ‘submit’, or ‘be submissive’. People can get hung up in that and lose the intention of what is being said.

    In the Same Way A study through Peter July 16th 2023 A young child was attending their very first wedding. Sitting by his mom, the boy took in all the sights and sounds. Leaning toward her, the child asked ‘Why does the bride wear all-white?’ To which she answered her son, ‘Well dear, white more

  • Submitting To Authority

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2023

    Today we are going to explore what is written in the Word of God (talk about authority!) when it comes to submitting to authority.

    Submitting to Authority Part 4 of A study through Peter July 2nd 2023 We are in the book of 1 Peter, a letter to the church written by a fellow who was an uneducated fisherman, who was called by Jesus to be one of His closest followers, was well-known for speaking his mind, acting without more

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