Sermon Illustrations


Survey of those who had been seriously considering divorce.

Five years later, revisited. Some had divorced, some had done hard work to stay together.

On repeat survey, those who had done hard work and stayed together rated their lives as happier than those who’d taken the divorce way out. Five years later, couples who stay together are typically happier than those who divorce!

More specifically, the vast majority of those who rated their lives unhappy before divorce, still rated themselves unhappy after their divorces, five years later.

On the other hand, among those who rated their lives and marriages unhappy but who stayed married, two-thirds of unhappily married spouses who stayed married reported that their marriages were happy five years later.

In addition, the most unhappy marriages reported the most dramatic turnarounds: among those who rated their marriages as very unhappy, almost eight out of 10 who avoided divorce were happily married five years later.

If you are facing difficulties in your marriage, make a decision to do your part toward reconciliation.

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