Sermon Illustrations


How many have heard the apparently new cliché: "They are who we thought they were"?

"Normally quiet Arizona Cardinals coach Dennis Green first uttered this trademarked phrase during a swear-filled, post-game tirade in 2006. When he was asked what he thought of the Chicago Bears after his team dropped a 20-point lead during a Monday Night Football game, Green responded "they are who we thought they were." There is another part to the quote "and we let 'em off the hook!"

Green exclusively owns the right to use the phrase for sports merchandise, but the clip is a sports media standard that is used when teams fail to take advantage of their opponent's obvious flaws. (CNN, 2008)

The point I want to make is this: When you know your opponents flaws, they are who you thought they were. In many cases though, this is the problem that people have with Jesus; He is not who they think He is. John is writing this book(the Book of John) so that we will trust that Jesus is who He says He is. If you have ever thought that Jesus might be God; or that He could save you from a destructive life; then He is WHO you thought He is.

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