Sermon Illustrations


Here are some of the things we know about John, John was one of the apostles. In fact he was the youngest apostle. His brother was the apostle James who is beheaded in Acts 12. He is the only apostle to not be martyred for his faith. And he walked in the inner circle of Jesus.

We was with Jesus for three years while Jesus was doing his ministry. He has seen the miracles, he has heard the teaching, and he has had his life transformed. John and his brother James were given the nickname the 'sons of thunder' because of their zeal and passion. John during the course of his time with Jesus had seen and done many things, but some of the ones that stand out are these: He asked Jesus to call down fire from heaven to consume an inhospitable Samaritan village (Luke 9:54) he rebuked an exorcist for casting out demons because he was not an apostle (Luke 9:49), and he asked to sit at the right hand of Jesus in heaven (Matthew 20:21).

John was not a timid, nor shy man by any means. Yet through the ministry with Jesus, after the resurrection something in John changed. He went from wanted to sit at the seat of honor in the kingdom of heaven, to recording a gospel where he does even mention himself by name. John’s life was turned completely around by Jesus. And when he writes this gospel, he writes as a changed man who desires only one thing, for everyone to come to a true and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ the Lord.

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