Preaching Articles

It is increasingly common today to hear parts of the gospel proclaimed. The same was happening in the early church. In Acts 20, Paul says to the Ephesian church elders, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of any of you.  For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the WHOLE WILL OF GOD (Acts 20:26, 27).

Unlike many modern preachers, Paul refused to edit out the difficult parts of the message. He insisted on preaching the whole gospel.

In 604, Pope Gregory wrote about the "Seven Deadly Sins" which included pride, gluttony, envy, lust, anger, greed, and laziness. In the spirit of the Pope's top seven, here's my list of "Seven Deadly Sins of the Pulpit." 

1. Preaching Christ Without the Cross.

No-cost Christianity. Paul was determined to know and preach nothing except Christ and Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2). Today it seems we preach everything but Christ and the cross, causing many to live as enemies of the cross (Philippians 3:18).

2. Preaching Salvation Without Sanctification.

No-change Christianity. So many claim Christ today with no evidence or change in their lives, and the pulpit is at least partially to blame.

3. Preaching Decisions Without Discipleship.

No-commitment Christianity. I know we are getting crowds and decisions, but are we making disciples?

4. Preaching Love Without Lordship.

No-compliance Christianity. Jesus is Lord, and because He is Lord, He heals, delivers, provides, and saves.  

5. Preaching Prosperity Without Purpose.

No-cause Christianity. God blesses us so that we can be a blessing.

6. Preaching Blessing Without Birthright.

No-covenant Christianity. Esau threw away his birthright and still expected a blessing. It does not work that way. If we want the blessing, we must accept the covenantal responsibilities that go with the birthright. 

7. Preaching Revival Without Reformation.

No-transformation Christianity. We are called to be salt and light, to impact individuals and cultures, families and nations. The gospel is supposed to be transformational.

I have certainly been guilty of all of above at different times in my life as a preacher. As I have matured, hopefully, I'm being more and more faithful to preaching the WHOLE WILL OF GOD. How about you? 

Steve Murrell is an accidental missionary, reluctant leader, frequent flyer, watch collector, and 1200gs rider.

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David Buffaloe

commented on Jul 18, 2012

I like this. Thanks!

Keith B

commented on Jul 18, 2012

Good article. I would have liked to see him go deeper on a few of them to explain what exactly he meant...but good things to think about.

Andrew Shields

commented on Jul 18, 2012

All of these are great. There is advantage to not going into too much illustration,. This way the main point remains the main point without getting. Off point like sometimes happens in the comment section. With these seven allmost all agree

Jason Bonnicksen

commented on Jul 18, 2012

Great article. Would make a great preaching series too

Gene Escoe

commented on Jul 18, 2012

Great Article Steve! Could not agree with you more. Thanks for being succint and also for the courage to say all of this. Our churches are dying, along with our country because of the false prophets who teach easy believism.

Mark Walter

commented on Jul 18, 2012


Philip Chabo

commented on Jul 18, 2012

This is a very great sermon for Pastors as now we shall know what to preach and share with the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Delusion is what kills the message of Holy Spirit. In Africa we preach the full gospel without compromise and to the dot. Praise God!

Terry Denis

commented on Jul 19, 2012

I Thess 1:8 declares that those who do know God and who do not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ will be punished. How does one obey the gospel?

Charles Ingwe

commented on Jul 19, 2012

I really needed this. How strong and convicting! This will help me refocus. Thanks and stay blessed.

Charles Ingwe

commented on Jul 19, 2012

I really needed this.This will surely help me refocus. Thanks and stay blessed.

Ray Mercer

commented on Jul 19, 2012

Excellent thoughts. Shared on twitter - thank you for taking the time to post this! From a young (40-something) preacher who is trying to preach the whole will of God :-)

Terry Denis

commented on Jul 19, 2012

I Thess 1:8 declares that those who do know God and who do not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ will be punished. How does one obey the gospel?

Terry Denis

commented on Jul 19, 2012

I Thess 1:8 declares that those who do know God and who do not obey the gospel of Jesus Christ will be punished. How does one obey the gospel?

Spencer Miller

commented on Jul 19, 2012

In this age of compromise we are living it is exceedingly sad that compromise has made its way into the pulpit. The thought appears to be "modify the message and multiply the money". Great insightful article Bro. Murrell.

Ephrem Hagos

commented on Jul 19, 2012

The deadliest sin of all is preaching a second-hand God.

Fernando Villegas

commented on Jul 19, 2012

I agree that this is a good article. I'd just like to point out that preaching the vice verse of each point is equally as deadly, e.g. preaching sanctification without salvation, preaching lordship without love, etc.

Ralph Graves

commented on Jul 20, 2012

Thank U for this!

Ralph Graves

commented on Jul 20, 2012

Thank U for this!

George Warner

commented on Aug 21, 2020

The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs warns, Good folks are scarce. Virtue is praised by all but practised by few.

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