Preaching Articles

Knowing God is the most meaningful pursuit in life. Jeremiah 9:23–24 expresses the importance of this better than anything else I've seen. We read, "Thus says the Lord, 'Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me.'"

It's amazing how many things we sometimes use to try and lift ourselves up in other people's eyes. We may do this while we're preaching, trying to be subtle about it—whether it's name-dropping or listing big, theological words in a way that makes us sound especially smart. Or we could mention a master's degree or doctorate in conversation, perhaps throwing in a cum laude we achieved.

God says, "If you are going to lift yourself up in front of others, do it about knowing Me; if you can't talk about that, then you don't have much to brag about anyhow."

Knowing God is more than having a religious experience with Him or explaining how you feel about Him. To know Him is to enter into a relationship with Him so He is the dominant Influencer of your thoughts and actions.

One of the great tragedies for so many of our preachers today is that you can prepare your sermons, study your notes, make your outlines, be aware of God, and have all your information correct … but never truly know Him.

The pursuit of knowing God is more than information. It is more than study. It is your spirit abiding with His Spirit on an ongoing basis. It is to be life's most authentic pursuit. Jesus spoke of this in His high priestly prayer when He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You, even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life. This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" (John 17:1–3).

Knowing God must be the priority of every minister and person called to teach His Word. It must be our highest aim. We must search for Him with all our hearts as it says in Deuteronomy 4:29. Likewise, the sage says the knowledge of God is like a man searching for silver (Prov. 2:4). Where can silver be found? Silver is found beneath the ground, which requires digging, time, dedication and intentional pursuit. The reward is overwhelming and a treasure worth cherishing.

There is no better way to know God than to hide His Word in your heart. Now, I didn't say to study His Word, but rather to hide it deep within. Let it resonate and abide in you so His thoughts—His perspective—begin to take root and overflow into all that you do. As you come to know Him, you will discover a growing process of intimacy, a closeness that will compel you to want to know Him even more.

Dr. Tony Evans is one of the country’s most respected leaders in evangelical circles. As a pastor, teacher, author and speaker, he serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations. While addressing the practical issues of today, Dr. Evans is known as a relevant expositor. New and veteran pastors alike regard him as a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.

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Chris Moore

commented on Feb 12, 2014

I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the ministry of Dr. Evans, and I don't think I could be more in agreement with this article, but I couldn't help but chuckle a bit after reading about how our 'boasting needs to be in the Lord' and then seeing this at the conclusion of the message: "Dr. Tony Evans is one of the country?s most respected leaders in evangelical circles. As a pastor, teacher, author and speaker, he serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations. While addressing the practical issues of today, Dr. Evans is known as a relevant expositor. New and veteran pastors alike regard him as a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith." :-)

Danny Limon

commented on Feb 12, 2014

Amen to that observation.

Barbara Smith-Mustin

commented on Feb 12, 2014

I am very thankful for Dr. Tony Evans and appreciative of his ministry and teaching. He is one of only a few Christian leaders whose work I will buy and use and recommend without thought or concern. Praise God for placing him in our time as a solid conduit of God's Word.

Regi Pope

commented on Feb 12, 2014

Brethren, that's his bio written by the ministry. I really don't think those words came from the pen of Dr. Evans. What else is SermonCentral to use for his bio---"He knows God??"

Rafael Vazquez

commented on Feb 12, 2014

I have known about Dr Evans for over 30 years and they were times in my life where the Lord use him to speak to my heart as I was dealing with ministry decisions personal uncertaintys. Dr Evans is a no spin zone guy it says it like it is and I appreciate that and I respect him for his achievements and his gift to the body of Christ. So if his ministry wrights about him or someone else does the telling the truth, the man is what the article or what people are saying so if anybody on this POS has anything negative just say about Dr Evans I suggest you keep it to yourself and pray for his ministry.

Chris Moore

commented on Feb 12, 2014

Wow. Are people really so thin-skinned that they can't find a little humor in a short quip? Yikes! I guess I tire of people looking for such small reasons to find offense in comments online. I for one think Dr. Evans is GREAT! Shortly after becoming a Christian I started working at a local Christian bookstore where I first encountered Evans' books and sermons. They were nothing short of stellar. That doesn't somehow negate the small bit of humor found in reading a message about boasting alone in God followed by a short bio of how great the messenger is. I'm STILL chuckling just because of the irony :-) NOT because of a blight on the part of Tony Evans <sigh> Evans seems to have a good sense of humor; I'd guess that he'd chuckle, too!

Bishop Dr.patrick D Shaw

commented on Feb 18, 2014

Praise his name is a boast it self my lord has his power of gladness on us as ministers . As a Bishop with a parish to provide the word of god to and for my will is for him. By law The Lord Jesus Christ is the preacher inside me in every sermon and every conversation Amen. I love your tvshow and enjoy the sermons of your work . I pray that a lot of younger adults would hear your sermon like I did when I was young. You have me hope and something to give my self and family to start my vine in me to plinnish for my children. I love to do the work of The Lord and help others as a community leader and a person if the body of Christ . If you can look me up and see my work and hear my sermons on how the connection with Christ Jesus is very important to our life . And how the faith that he lead us to fellowship with give us the current and past favor for his salvation Amen. My email is and at vista online business card is available at the same web site . My sermons on power point amen. May god bless you and your family and his glory shine in your favor for the good you have in you .

Dennis Cocks

commented on Feb 12, 2014

I appreciate the ministry of Tony Evans immensely. I have learned a great deal from him and have had the privilege of seeing him preach a few times through the years.

Jimmy Smith

commented on Feb 12, 2014

I think God for Tony Evans who help lead the body of Christ to the heart of GOD to know Him thats God plan for all His chrilderns to personally know Him

Stephen Johnson

commented on Feb 12, 2014

I noticed the same thing. It was like being hit in the eyes with discontinuity. I'm not blaming Tony Evans. Maybe the editors at sermon central need to read the content they're posting. Something simple like, ?Tony Evans is a pastor and author who desires to see today's preacher grow in effectiveness and in relationship with God." This would be way better than the accolades, given the post's content, specifically.

Mike Devine

commented on Feb 13, 2014

Praise Jesus for this article.... I enjoyed it completely... same Pastor I know that I was baptized by and who took me door to door in neighborhood ministry at OCBF. I just wrote my first book modeling his examples. I just wrote to him since starting to Pastor a church. Godliness with contentment is great gain.. I can go on, this is not a man of God to put your mouth on, period. He is simply 'tellin' it like it is'...Being a kingdom man takes guts so suck it up and recognize Christ on the inside means changed lives.......

Mike Devine

commented on Feb 13, 2014

If you follow his son's music or LaCrae last few albums you will hear the song BOASTING which I feel also best represents this article....

Pastor Ronald P. Simmons

commented on Feb 13, 2014

As a pastor, I often ask for bios so that I can properly introduce guest preachers. It is important for me to know the reputation of those who minister to me and my congregation. As suggested in the article, anyone can write an impressive article; but, the bio, provided by the editor, gives credibility to the character if Dr. Evans. God bless you, as you serve a us by word and example.

Kurtis Ntiamoah

commented on Feb 13, 2014

am surprise the way people got offended by a little issue, the posting was just acknowledging how God is using Tony Evans in his kingdom,even the passage we just read is waning us not to boast in our wisdom, riches ext, but to boast of knowing God, and the posting is just acknowledging how God is using Tony Evans in the kingdom of God,

Jasmine Tom

commented on Feb 15, 2024

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