Sermon Illustrations

Have you seen the Kid’s Candy Challenge videos?

• What happens in the Kid’s Candy Challenge is the parent tells their small child or children that they can have

some candy

• But they have to wait until mom or dad gets back

• The candy is set right in front of them

• Along with a phone to record the incident

• And then the adult leaves the room

• You can imagine what usually happens

• Sometimes, but rarely, there are some really well behaved kids

• Those Mommas should be very proud

• It has to be very difficult for them to resist

• I can’t hardly resist candy

• Like caramel creams or jelly beans or licorice

• I can’t resist blueberry cake donuts

• There are some things that we cannot do

• Let me ask you, what are some things that you cannot do?

• Now, let’s list something that Jesus cannot do

• What is something that Jesus cannot do?

• Can God make a rock so heavy that He can’t lift it?

• Can God make a one ended stick?

• Can God make a square circle?

• Can God make a married bachelor?

• All of these things are outside the realm of what is possible

• There is of course one thing Jesus cannot do that falls within the realm of things possible and that is sin

• Jesus cannot sin

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