Sermon Illustrations

How does Jesus know we love him, what is the proof? By your witness, your gifts, your tithes, your prayers or presence.

Did you know I joined twitter? I think the day I did I read several tweets, but never tweeted, and that was long before the 2020 election, and long before I came to Mt. Zion and I haven’t looked at it since the first time I joined. How would I prove that I am on twitter?

How do we prove that we love Jesus?

It can’t be like me and twitter, it can’t be coming to worship and then taking off. I pray that each of us are preparing for worship, that we are ready to sing, pray, listen and think. And as we leave we are different. When we leave here we cannot swear and be harmful to anyone else, and our thoughts and words and actions need to be about Jesus.

To prove we love Jesus we need to tend to Jesus’ sheep. Worship needs to lead to service. If it doesn’t it isn’t worship.

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