Pentecost Sermon Kit

Sermon Illustrations

“I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.” (President George W. Bush September 14, 2001 Ground Zero) For the last six years we have paused, on a personal level and on a national level to remember the events of September 11, 2001. A time to reflect on the attacks, attackers, victims, and most importantly the sacrifices made. What does it mean to us?

“Yesterday, December seventh, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” (President Franklin D. Roosevelt December 8, 1941 Congress) We pause every year on December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, to remember the attacks, attackers, victims, and most importantly the sacrifices made. What does it mean to us?

September 11th is fresh in our minds, close to our hearts, alive in our reality. This event is fresh enough for us it will evoke strong emotions. December 7th 1941 is fading for some, lost in history, not forgotten, but not fresh and alive in our thoughts. These dates serve as a memorial for us, to never forget the sacrifice for our freedom. As we come to the communion table this morning we are to remember this sacrifice for our freedom. We need not allow Jesus’ death, its purpose, its methods, its achievements to fade from our minds. What does it mean to us?

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