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Philip Yancey shared about "a conference on evangelism sponsored by Billy Graham in Manila. A Cambodian man mesmerized the audience with his story of daily meditation. Under the Pol Pot regime he was held in a concentration camp like those depicted in the movie 'Killing Fields.' Believing he had little time to live, he wanted to spend each day with God, preparing for death. 'Even more than deprivation of food, even more than the torture, I resented having no time to meet with God. Always guards were yelling at us, forcing us to work, work, work.'

Finally he noticed that the guards could get no one to clean out the cesspits. He volunteered for the wretched job. 'No one ever interrupted me, and I could do my work at a leisurely pace. Even in those stinking depths, I could look up and see blue sky. I could praise God that I survived another day. I could commune with God undisturbed, and pray for my friends and relatives all around me. That became for me a glorious time of meeting with God."

("Reaching for the Invisible God", Philip Yancey, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2000 - page 207-208)

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