Pentecost Sermon Kit

Sermon Illustrations


It was one of those awkward moments in a friendship -- when you feel like you should speak up, but you're not sure how your friend will react. I was a teenager -- just finishing up high school, thinking about the future. My best friend and I were preparing for a day of teenage mischief, when his dad called him over to talk to him for a minute. I could tell that this was one of those conversations, so I stayed where I was waiting out of earshot, while my buddy went to see what his dad had gotten worked up over -- well, at least I thought I was out of earshot.

Suddenly, things started to get a little loud and not just the dad. My bud was up in his dad's face, yelling at him -- arguing some fine point of responsibility. Nose to nose they argued back and forth for a few moments and then just as suddenly as it began, it was over. Both walked away. As my best friend approached I couldn't help but say, "Man, you shouldn't be yelling at your dad that way."

The question for us to answer this morning is -- was I wrong? Should I have said anything? At the time, it seemed like a no brainer, but as time has passed I have to admit I'm not so sure because, you see, my best friend and I grew up in two very different environments. As a result, we were taught too very different methods of addressing our parents. His dad was a lawyer who encouraged his children to speak up for themselves, to be passionate defenders of their own actions. My dad was a military man -- though retired by this time, he still expected an unquestioning obedience. All conversation between a parent and child was to be done in a respectful manner and only the parent had the right to raise their voice. So what would have been unthinkable in my house was the expectation in his house. And the difference between the two was the product of.... You guessed it... a difference in worldview.

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