Sixty years ago America was engulfed in a struggle for survival. Swindoll notes, "We were sandwiched between two massive military powers bent on world domination. Our fighting forces were at their peak, performing at heroic levels of determination. Every magazine, every newspaper, every radio news report (there was no television), and virtually every conversation between neighbors and fellow employees included words about the war. It was, except for the bloody Civil War, the most significant war in our nations history. Such a conflict called for stouthearted leaders who were not afraid¡Kwho could see the big picture, who were able to make tough and lonely decisions as well as motivate others who were willing to carry them out to the point of sacrifice. Happily, Americans were not alone during those difficult and demanding years. Across the Atlantic the people of the United Kingdom remained staunch allies. A major part of the reason they stood with us so firmly was the courageous commitment of England's prime minister, a man whose leadership was nothing short of remarkable. William Manchester refers to that man in his excellent volume. The Last Lion- Winston Spencer Churchill" (3,4).