About a year ago I heard that Deion Sanders, the sensational defensive back for the Dallas Cowboys, had gotten saved. Then I saw him do an interview with ESPN about a month ago, and I saw a big difference in him and I know someone had mentored or discipled him. I bought his autobiography, Power, Money, & Sex: How Success almost ruined my life, just to discover who had mentored Deion. In the book he refers to Bishop T.D. Jakes as my spiritual father, my daddy in Christ. Three chapters in the book are devoted to the things Bishop Jakes taught him about power, money, and sex. Deion says, "You may think it strange to include this in my autobiography, but this is why I wrote the book in the first place because these teachings changed my life forever. They set me on the road to meet my Lord, and that’s why I want to share them with you maybe they’ll change your life too." Deion has got a hold of Jesus’ method of making disciples. Jesus taught them so that they could teach others.