Youth Pastor Burnout: The Bridges Project, a research study of the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, has identified several factors common to youth pastors who experience burn-out or a lack of success in ministry: ►Inability to shape healthy work relationships with other staff members, especially the senior pastor. ►Lack of tangible congregational support for youth ministry. ►Accepting an assignment that was a “poor fit.” ►Inadequate compensation--not enough to allow them to live in the community they serve.

Pastoral practices which were found to help youth ministers thrive included: ► Tending to one’s own spiritual health through prayer and devotional disciplines. ►Keeping the Sabbath in creative ways and taking time to relax, play and exercise. ►Developing healthy work relationships with peers. ►Shepherding youth leadership teams. ►Sustaining a relational ministry with youth and their families. Pastors Weekly Briefing 5/28/04)