On the lighter side of life:

From the book: Wacky Laws, Weird Decisions and Strange Statues, Main Street publishers.

Marriage and Family laws:

a. It’s against the law for children under the age of seven to go to college in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

b. Although there are no R and X ratings for Ma Bell, in Blue earth, Minnesota, it’s against the law for children under 12 to talk on the telephone unless accompanied by a parent.

c. Kids in Kalispell, Montana, must have a note from the doctor in order to buy a lollipop or candy bar while church services are in session.

d. At the Paiute Indian Reservation in California, a mother-in-law is prohibited from spending more than 30 days a year visiting her kids (pages 9, 10).

e. Kissing on the lips in Riverside, California, is in violation of a local health ordinance, unless both parties wipe their lips with carbonized rose water.

g. A kiss in Halethorpe, Maryland, cannot last longer than a second.

h. Kissing a stranger in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is illegal.

i. Any man who constantly kisses “human beings” is forbidden to have a moustache if he lives in Indiana (pages 31, 32).

j. If a lady in Dixie, Idaho, berates her husband in public and a crowd gathers, the husband is subject to a fine.

k. It is illegal to remarry the same man four times in Kentucky.

l. A man in Tennessee is forbidden to divorce his wife unless he leaves her ten pounds of dried beans, five pounds of dried apples, a side of meat and ample yarn to knit herself stockings for a year.

m. A husband cannot kick his wife out of bed in Lebanon, Tennessee, even if her feet are cold; however, a wife can kick her husband out of bed without provocation.

n. You will be in violation of the law in Chillicothe, Missouri, if you throw rice at the bride and groom.

o. Dunlap, West Virginia, has rendered it illegal to tear up a marriage certificate (pages 33, 34).