Magazines Hit Wall: A National Endowment for the Arts study finds that book reading has increased 10% since ’92 and fewer than 47% read any form of literature in the previous 12 months. The Audit Bureau of Circulations data shows that U.S. magazines grew nicely from 245 million copies in ’70 to 366 million in ’90. Then they stopped dead. In ’91 they saw 365 million, in ’92 it was 362 million, ’00 they had an up-blip to 379 million, but in ’03 they fell to 353 million. No matter how many new magazines launch, the number of them sold, as an aggregate, has not changed for nearly 14 years. 60% of new magazines go out of business within the first year according to journalism professor Samir Husni, and only 20% of start-ups reach age 4. (DM News 12/27/04)