1. Bevere’s story, “Now here is where many in the church falter. They see the love of God in the light of the temporal, not the eternal. There is love and goodness, which are admired by society and many in the church but determined by human measures, and are contrary to the love of God. Let me illustrate a few that are common. “We love each other so much and are planning to get married.” This is often stated when two people are having sex outside of marriage. Not only is this sin even if they do follow through and get married, but many times I’ve witnessed those who make such statements end up not getting married. They’ve forgotten the clear exhortation, “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” (Heb. 13:4). Notice He does not say, “The adulterer and sexually immoral who don’t attend church.” No, it is all who practice this lifestyle” (Driven By Eternity, page 9, 10).