An old lady found herself hungry with no food, no money and nobody to care for her. So she fell down on her knees and cried out to God, “O Lord, please send me a piece of ham and some collard greens.” All day long she prayed “O Lord, please send me a piece of ham and some collard greens.”

The town atheist heard her prayer and decided to mock her and God. So he bought a ham and some collard greens and dropped the food down her chimney. The food landed right in front of the hungry old woman as she knelt in prayer. She immediately jumped up and began thanking God saying “O Lord, I thank you for answering my prayer”

The atheist hearing her gratitude grew upset, jumped off the roof, knocked on her door and said “Your God didn’t give you that food; I dropped it down the chimney”

The old woman simply said “I don’t know how my blessing got here; all I know is God sent it”