Dale Carnegie’s Solution to Worry--Prayer

We can forget about what tomorrow brings - we can quit worrying - because if we love Almighty God and have faith in Him, everything will work out for our good! Down through the centuries, many who have tried Him have found that to be true!

The late great American writer and lecturer, Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (1888 - 1955), tried it! He said, "When I am so busy that I do not have time to pray then I know that it is time to pray. I just forget everything and go to church. I yield myself to God, and the tension and anxiety go out of me and peace and power come in."


1. "Houston Chronicle," Section B, 4 STAR Edition, issue of Sunday, 04 September 2005, p. 2 (Obituary by staff writer Lynwood Abram).

2. "In Quest of God’s Power," by Charles L. Allen, c1952 Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, pp. 83-93.

3. "Priceless Gifts," compiled and edited by Sara Tarascio, c1995 New Rochelle, New York: Salesian Missions, pp. 16-17.

6. "www.wikipedia.com," (Charles Livingstone Allen), (James Maxwell Anderson), (Francis Scott Key), (Dale Breckenridge Carnegie), accessed 23 October 2009.

From a sermon by George Dillahunty, The Healing Power of Faith!, 10/24/2009