Parents of Young Soldier Killed in Action Donate to a Church as a Memorial

"The parents of a young soldier killed in action gave their church a gift of money as a memorial for their son. During the presentation service, the mother of another soldier overseas whispered to her husband, "Let’s give the same amount for our son." "What’s the matter with you?" he asked. "Our boy hasn’t died in battle." "That’s just it," the mother replied. "Let’s give it because he was spared." In giving that reply she showed that she was sensitive to the truth that thanksgiving is a way of life." It is true that thanksgiving is a way of life. It is also true that complaining is a way of life as well. The mother in this story knew how to count her blessings and say thanks.

From a sermon by Ajai Prakash, Thankful Worship, 11/19/2009