Elizabeth Elliot on His Sufficient Grace for Discipleship

It’s the anticipation of that “glory of victory” that helps us to persevere in the hard times. It’s the assurance of that coming crown that helps us bear our cross today.

Just one year after her husband was slain in Ecuador, along with five other Missionaries, Elisabeth Elliot wrote, “We have proved beyond any doubt that He means what He says – His grace is sufficient, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We pray that if any, anywhere, are fearing that the cost of discipleship is too great, that they may be given to glimpse that treasure in heaven promised to all who forsake.” (Christianity Today, Vol. 1, reprinted Vol. 40, no. 10; www.PreachingToday. com) Let me tell you…

When we see the treasure ahead, it helps us bear the trials today. When we know the victory that awaits, it helps us persevere through the pain. When we glimpse the glory, then we can…


From a sermon by C. Philip Green, Glimpse the Glory, 11/21/2009