There is a movie called 'Faith Like a Potato'. It takes place in South Africa. Long story short a farmer w/an anger management issue is converted to a believer (follower) of the word. Needing to bring in money for his family, he decides to plant a crop of potatoes. The land is very dry. Most would think it was dead and no life could come from it. With no rain, he begins to question his decision to plant. So after a while of waiting, he and his farm hand decide to take a chance and dig, but first they pray.

As he begins to dig, what is revealed is astonishing. The seed yields crops twice the size of what is expected. How is that? He was looking for signs of rain, signs of growth above ground. All the while there was water running underneath the ground.

My point is this. In between seed time and harvest God is still doing his best work though you may not see it.

Don't give up on the harvest that is coming your way. Believe in God to meet your needs as Psalms 23 says. Believe he will multiply be he can do more than we ask or think. Continue to sow generously in all areas of your life where you want to see a harvest...