According to MSNBC, The British Medical Journal recently reported the case of a 76-year-old woman who visited her doctor complaining of stomach problems. When the scans came back, doctors were amazed to see a long object in her stomach. It was a pen! The woman remembered having put a pen in her mouth 25 years ago. She lost her balance, fell, and swallowed the pen. Her doctor at the time didn’t believe it, and the x-ray equipment of that day didn’t detect it, so nothing was ever done about it. Now here’s the remarkable thing. When surgeons removed the pen, it still worked.

Sometimes we feel like we’re being swallowed up in troubles, trials, pressures, and problems. Trials produce testings, but from testings come testimonies. We never lose our message. We never run out of ink.

(Source: David Jeremiah. From a sermon by Terry Blankenship, The Woe Everyone Knows, 5/29/2012)